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  • This tangent between Darlene Love and Reginald D. Hunter in 2010, after Adam brings up Tom Jones:

 Darlene: I have a very funny story that happened on the road with Tom Jones.

Adam: Well, we don't have time for it. So... (audience laughter.) No, no please!

Darlene: I got a little close to Tom Jones, we became very good friends. And night we actually went to bed together. We were gonna have sex.

Reginald: From what I hear, that's not unusual. (Audience erupts with laughter. Alan does a gesture to indicate Reg "hitting it out of the park", then the others start bowing to him.).

Alan: Can I just say something that I thought I'd never get to say in my life? So, you're about to have sex with Tom Jones, and then what happened?

Darlene: Well, I actually gave up on him, because of the fact he talked too much.

Reginald: Now, when you say he talked too much...

Darlene: No, let me finish, this is my story. When I say he talked too much, he talked about other women he had. So I said, "Honey, it's been nice, but I'll see you." And I put my clothes on and went back to my room.

Reginald: Oh, so he talked about other women before he had sex with you?

Darlene: Right!

Reginald: Yeah, you're not supposed to run the playbook like that.

Darlene: I've never been in his playbook!

Reginald: I hear you, I hear you.

Darlene: And we became very good friends after that, 'cos I was probably the only one that ever turned him down.

Reginald: Why would he do that? It's not like, it's gonna make you hotter! "Ooh, you had sex with Dolly Parton, I can't wait to get this shirt off!"

  • The Christmas Special for 2009: Molly Meldrum dressed as a Christmas tree with his voice disguised. Enough said.
  • The end of the episode in which Richard O'Brien was a guest, in which the whole cast re-enacted the 'Time Warp'...including Adam Hills stripping on-camera at the end of it all, absolutely deadpan, to reveal Frank'N'Furter's corset, frilly knickers, fishnets and heels. This was then one-upped in the next year's Deleted Scenes and Rude Bits special by Myf Warhurst blandly revealing the extent of Adam Hills' costume's, erm, deficiencies...
  • "Two Little Words" (in which two players must use one word each to describe a singer or band to the other who must identify them) often has hilarious results, often due to one player not building off the first's word (such as Andy Lee suggesting "Dreaming" for REM - appropriate but not the most helpful when Alan's word was "Michael"). It's even better when the contestant gets it right anyway - case in point, Ella Hooper using the clues "Catholic" and "Boobs" to guess Madonna.