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These things about Spider-Man: Homecoming are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Alternative Character Interpretation:
- Did Tony actually tell Peter that Cap went crazy during Captain America: Civil War or is that how Peter interpreted it?
- Could the FBI have stopped Toomes' gang?
- Author's Saving Throw: After some "What the Hell, Hero?" complaints from fans in Civil War that Tony brought a minor to the airport battle, this film explains that Tony believed he and Widow would be able to talk Cap down and that the chance of there actually being a fight was low. He also spends much of this film trying to keep Peter away from dangerous situations.
- Base Breaker: Peter Parker, Ned, Michelle, Aunt May and Flash Thompson. While most think that the characters feel natural to the Setting Update, others find them to be too different from the previous two films' supporting cast.
- Broken Base: Opened one up for the MCU's take on Spider-Man. Either Homecoming starts a glorious Setting Update that modernizes the character and does away with outdated elements of the mythos that should have been tossed out years ago or it's an In Name Only version.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Adrian Toomes/the Vulture. Despite being an arms dealer and a Bad Boss who has no hesitation in pulling the "You Have Failed Me" card, many fans justify his actions on the basis that Even Evil Has Loved Ones and he's a Papa Wolf.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Peter's AI, Karen.
- Epileptic Trees: Who did Tony sell Avengers Tower to? The most common answer is Reed Richards.
- Older Than They Think: Most "They Changed It, Now It Sucks" complaints made in relation to the prior two films series are in fact Truer to the Text callbacks to the earliest era of Spider-Man comics. In particular, Peter's Hero Worshipper attitude towards Tony is one that his Earth-616 self had towards the Adapted Out Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: While the film is largely well-received, a Vocal Minority has made their displeasure known that the film doesn't go through the same beats as the previous two Spider-Man films.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character:
- Aunt May has surprisingly little to do in a Spider-Man movie.
- Despite being one of the most prominent parts of Spider-Man during the high-school era, Flash Thompson is largely Demoted to Extra.
- Unexpected Character: After not appearing since Iron Man 3, Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan make their unforeseen returns. Especially in the case of the former as Civil War hinted that she was gone for good from the saga.
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