Spider Baby or The Maddest Story Ever Told is a comedy horror film from the year 1968.
The film centers around the Merrye family, whose members are affected by the Merrye Syndrome, which causes them to regress into crazy and cannibalistic beings. Looking after them is family's chauffeur Bruno (Lon Chaney jr.).
Problems arise as new legal guardians are given to the family, and their overnight stay turns out to be very troublesome.
Tropes used in Spider Baby or The Maddest Story Ever Told include:
- Black Dude Dies First: The postman is first one to go when he pokes his head through the house's window and Virginia kills him.
- Chekhov's Gun: The dynamite used for building the new highway.
- Cigar Chomper: Mr. Schlocker.
- The End - or Is It?: The ending suggests that Peter's daughter Jennifer might have the Merrye Syndrome.
- Either-Or Title
- I'm a Humanitarian: More regressed Merrye syndrome victims exhibit these traits.
- Knife Nut: Virginia, who likes playing "spider" with two knives.
- Lingerie Scene: Emily provides one, and Ralph peeps on her.
- Madwoman in the Attic: Merrye children's uncle and aunts are kept in the basement of the house.
- Spiders Are Scary: The house is filled with spiders.
- Moreover, Virginia has two pet tarantellas named Winifred and Barney.