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Hm, looks like I'm fucked. |
A Web Original Redub of the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon, as done by MW10T (short for Man With Ten Toes), recasting the already low-quality series with adult humor. Spiderdub is known for its surprisingly good production values and more or less re-cutting the original footage into a tangentially related storyline. Despite its source material, it's somewhat inappropriate for younger viewers.
The first episode can be seen here, and all following episodes have been uploaded to MW10T's second account, located here.
- The Abridged Series
- Affectionate Parody: Arguably a bit more venomous than a basic affectionate parody, but MW10T is an admitted comic book fan and everything is done with a tongue-in-cheek style.
- Alternative Character Interpretation: Peter Parker is a Casanova Wannabe with little regard for manners, J. Jonah Jameson is a stalker-esque corrupt executive, and Doc Octopus is a mentally ill Psychopathic Manchild. It only gets worse from here.
- Apocalypse How: Class X-4 at the end of Episode 11
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: More or less the entire point of the series.
- In episode 9, Doc Ock has Spider-Man trapped for a sleepover. Doc Ock turns on the television. Spider-Man's opening jingle begins to play.
- Comedic Sociopathy: Everyone.
- Deadpan Snarker: Ms. Branch.
- Peter Parker.
- "I am not too fond of dis character."
- His reaction to dying in #8? "Oh. Oh, I'm in hell."
- Peter Parker.
- Editing Works: Damn right it does.
- Evil Is Cool:
Pajama Pat: Aw man, I got all this money. But what am I gonna spend it on? I KNOW! A CAPE! A GLORIOUS CAPE! WITH MULTIPLE COLORS THAT GLOWS IN THE DARK! |
- First Installment Weirdness: Up until episode 5 or so, it was mostly non-sequitor comedy with hints of a plot. It started mixing story and humor more evenly afterwords.
- Gainax Ending: #15. Easily #15.
- Genre Savvy: "Police above me, police below me. Hm, looks like I'm fucked!"
- Ho Yay: Jameson with everyone.
- Just a Stupid Accent
- Kids Prefer Boxes: Or in this case, The Rhino.
- Lampshade Hanging
- Larynx Dissonance
- Nightmare Fuel: Spiderdub inexplicably produces bouts of this, specifically the introduction to episode 9 and "commercial breaks" in the later editions.
- #8.
- Parody Commercial: When not being horrifying.
- Refuge in Audacity
- Smash Cut
- Temporal Paradox: Happens in 11. No one notices the difference until #15, when Spiderman's time travel unravels the universe during the final showdown.
- Unexplained Recovery: Spiderman/Peter Parker has died around six times.
- At the end of #7, Ms. Branch's mutilated nigh-unidentifiable corpse is found dumped on the side of the road with the murder remaining unsolved. She's completely fine 30 seconds into #8.
- Updated Rerelease: Mike has taken to updating some of the Spiderdubs that don't really mesh as well with the newer ones.
- Wrong Genre Savvy
- YouTube Poop