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In fiction, there are some names that just show up again and again. Jack is probably the best known one, but Spike also has this as well. It's usually a nickname of some sort and not the character's given name. Most of the time it has connotations of being an outsider, a loner, a Bad Boy or an Anti-Hero (though how much of one is debatable). He, or, very occasionally, she, tends to be a Badass, and sometimes a Badass Longcoat, if it's not an Ironic Nickname. The nickname "Spike" is more common in fiction than in Real Life, but it may still show up.

"Spike" is also a very common name for pets (and occasionally objects), especially dogs since it denotes toughness (but it can work for male cats as well). It could function as an Ironic Nickname for a small pet, like a hamster or a turtle. If there is a bulldog in a piece of fiction, chances are better than even that it will be named Spike.

Compare Alice Allusion. A subtrope of Name's the Same.

Examples of Spike of All Trades include:


  • "Yo Spike, I got the Motts!" From a commercial for Motts applesauce; the quoted kid has received a lunchbox-sized package of it from his mother, and is calling Spike to do a deal. It seems he does a brisk business in lunch trading. Spike is an unseen character.

Anime and Manga[]

Comic Books[]

  • Spike was the codename of one of the members of X-Statix.


  • Discworld: Adora Belle Dearheart uses the nickname Spike.
  • Thursday Next: Subversion—Spike Stoker the demon hunter. He actually doesn't fit any of the traits above—he's really a pretty normal guy aside from what he does for a living.
  • The Doctor Who spin-off novel Vampire Science had a vampire character named Spike—before Buffy did.
  • Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods features several characters named Spike in different timelines, two of which are female. And also robots.

Live-Action TV[]

Newspaper Comics[]

  • In Peanuts, one of Snoopy's brothers is a drifter named Spike.

Professional Wrestling[]

  • Spike Dudley of the Dudley Boyz in pre-revival ECW.

Tabletop Games[]

Video Games[]

  • One of the partners you gain in Paper Mario is a Lakitu whose real name is Lakilester,[1] and apparently was trying out Michael, but by the time you meet him, he wants to be called "Spike", for image reasons. (Not that his girlfriend can ever remember that.) At the time, he was working for Bowser, and you do have to beat him in a battle, but once you get him on your crew, you have a valuable ally. (Don't expect "Spike" to show up in menus, though.)
  • Spike, the rowdy main character of the first Ape Escape game.

Western Animation[]

Real Life[]

  1. "Lackluster"
  2. Wait a sec. Spike Jonze, from Adam Spiegel?