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  • Ho Yay Shipping: Stuart & Carter eventually started acting more and more like this. Unusual mainly because Carter was gay. Became very, very close to canon at times. (Carter's nightmarish Imagine Spot about ending up with Stuart, miserable together until death, is probably a crowning example.)
    • More and more? It already started in the second episode, with Stuart asking Carter on a date (It Makes Sense in Context).
    • Carter eventually starts questioning whether or not his feelings for Stuart are romantic. Asked to testify that he isn't in love with Stuart, he stammers that he "doesn't know" ... and also doesn't actually deny that they've been sleeping together.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Malcolm Reynolds was a gay personal trainer in New York.
    • Denny Colt appeared in one episode as a nudist campaigning for naturist's rights.
  • Tear Jerker: The fourth season finale certainly qualifies. This is emphasised by the fact that the show's usually upbeat music is replaced with sad motifs and themes, and there is a reprisal of 'Everybody Gets What They Deserve' by The Churchills, which was used in a heartwarming moment in Season 3.
    • It's even more of a tearjerker if you consider that Michael J Fox only left because of Parkinson's. Otherwise the show might have continued.