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  • Badass Decay: Bayban's backstory painted him as a savage holy warrior, but since joining the party he's more remembered for his botches.
  • Crazy Awesome:
    • Even if it was just theoretical, imagine Viktor riding into shore on the back of a shark waving his Axe in the air, shouting. This was so awesome that Spoony told them to take a +10 to stealth because no one would be expecting it.
    • Bob the Minion, in general.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Bob the Minion
  • Epileptic Trees: No one ever checked to make sure Bob the Minion was dead....
  • Fan Dumb: Some fans seem to believe that Spoony is a Killer Game Master and gripe whenever he does anything seen as detrimental to the party, such as having enemies react to being marked (the Player's Handbook outright says you are aware of marks) or even rolling well for attack and damage rolls. This completely clashes with the way he's run the game, doing things like letting Joe play Vane II despite the fact that it harmed Suspension of Disbelief, or fudging the dice to prevent Garret's death in order to make up for an earlier math error. In response to the accusations, Noah has outright said that he doesn't want to kill the party because that would end the game before the story was done, but he's not going to make things easy on them.
  • Fan Nickname: Lord Commander "Lich Bane" Vane II.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: When the group fought Morgana and Sean chose to open the Word, LordKaT remarked, "Why do I get the feeling the situation just got ten times worse?" The very next session, they learn that the Word is a phylactery, and that it's slowly infecting Darstine with Morgana's spirit and will.
    • In the first recorded session, RolloT remarks "Good old King Donovan. It's gonna be a shame when he dies", qualifying the statement by adding "It's gonna be a shame when he gets killed for being religious." Soon after, Donovan is imprisoned in magical amber specifically because the Witch Queen considered his attempts to revive worship in the old gods to be an insult.
    • This group is all in all very good at making this kind of statement; given that they review movies, comic books and video games for a living, this should come as no surprise.
  • Memetic Badass:
    • Juliet's imaginary companion Captain Bearbossa who only exists in one particular fanart.
      • With RolloT's re-spec into Essentials Druid in late 2010, Bearbossa may stop being memetic and become an actual Badass.
      • Helped along by the presence of a Twitter feed for Bearbossa.
    • Bob the Minion
  • The Scrappy: Some of the viewers really hate Iron Liz for all her punning. It's gotten to the point where people call for Lilea to get killed and/or raped in "revenge", which leads to Spoony dropping the banhammer.
  • Too Cool to Live: Lord Vane I, Bob the Minion
  • The Woobie:
    • Garrett, To the point where Lilea gives him hugs repeatedly.
    • Vane II invokes this:

  Colonel Vane II: But I'm so lovable!
