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  • Complete Monster: Dan Halen and to a much lesser extent, Early Cuyler. Dan Halen is either responsible for or had a hand in every horrible thing from the extinction of the dinosaurs (and the formation of the Nazi Party) up, and was even the one to nail Jesus to the cross.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Every single episode.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: As far as fans are concerned, season 13 never happened, due to the recasting of Early Cuyler, and the overall Seasonal Rot.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The Patrick Swayze episode, where the show's "real" Patrick Swayze is killed.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Baby Deathtrap.
  • WTH? Casting Agency: After Unknown Hinson was fired from the show, due to his offensive comments towards Dolly Parton and BLM, he was recast with Tracy Morgan, whose voice unfortunately neither sounds anything like Unknown Hinson or fits the character at all. Understandably, fans did not react well to the recasting. The backlash also likely affected the show's viewership and ratings, since the show was cancelled just one month after Early's voice actor was changed.