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Annie clark st vincent 6243

Annie Clark (a.k.a. St. Vincent)

St. Vincent is the Stage Name of multi-instrumentalist Annie Clark. Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Annie was part of The Polyphonic Spree [a choral symphonic rock band] and part of the Sufjan Stevens' touring band before going solo with the name St. Vincent, which she claims to be either a reference to Saint Vincent's Catholic Medical Center, where the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas died in 1953, or her grandmother's middle name.

As of 2012, she has released three albums:

  • Marry Me (2007)
  • Actor (2009)
  • Strange Mercy (2011)

St. Vincent also opened shows to diverse bands like Television, Arcade Fire, Death Cab for Cutie, Grizzly Bear and Andrew Bird. She and Bon Iver also composed the song Roslyn, part of the New Moon soundtrack- as one of the examples of good musicians associated with the Twilight movies.

Annie Clark's music contains heavy guitar riffs (her signature instrument) together with somehow melodic singing and melodies, and angry lyrics.

Relevant tropes related to her or her music are:[]


 Best finest surgeon

Come cut me open

    • Also, The Apocalypse Song:

 All your praying moments amount to just one breath

Please keep your victory

But give me little death[1]

  1. in French, "little death" (la petite mort) is a metaphor for an orgasm