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Star Fox[]

Star Fox 64[]

  • In Star Fox 64, successfully completing the mission on planet Macbeth will show an amazing scene of the train crashing into the supply depot and the whole place going up in flames. A definite "I rock" moment.

Conductor: NO! HIT THE BRAKES!

(Forever Train slams into over a dozen barricades before coming up on the fuel bunker)

Conductor: I can't STOP IT!!!


    • It's even better with the Rumble-Pak, which was bundled with the game.
  • Area 6 from Star Fox 64. Why sneak into the Big Bad's base when you, your 3 wingmen, and your main ship can blast directly through the frontline? Imagine: Using smart bombs to destory a minefield. Taking out experimental missiles aimed at you. Everyone joining up to take out cruisers. Enemy Chatter freaking out about these "crazy guys" who are single-handedly bursting through the front line. And this stage has quite a kill count. Makes this troper wish Star Fox 64 had a stage select.
    • Wish granted, thanks to Star Fox 64 3D!

These guys are crazy.

  • When you defeat the Attack Carrier in Star Fox 64, the first boss of the game:

Pilot: Who are you guys?!
Fox: We're Star Fox!

  • Katina in Star Fox 64: If you manage to complete the mission without accidentally shooting any allies down, you're rewarded with a special cutscene — the entire Redshirt Army you bailed out flying in perfect formation behind Team Star Fox. As if destroying a giant mothership straight from Independence Day wasn't awesome enough.
  • Fox's escape from Venom after defeating the real Andross. The freakin' ghost of James McCloud helps Fox find his way out, encouraging him along, and right before the base explodes, as fire is roaring behind you and endless explosions go off all around you:

James: You've become so strong, Fox.
makes the tears form...

  • "Your carcass is mine!"
  • Some bosses are so hard (Gorgon, I'm looking at you), that killing them is its own Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • In one of the routes you can take in Star Fox 64, you can choose to take a shortcut past Solar, the freakin' sun of the Lylat System! Your Arwing constantly takes damage from flying over a sea of boiling plasma. Getting through Solar is quite a challenge.
  • Any time one of your wingmen takes out a member of Star Wolf or one of the missiles in Sector Z. Unless you're aiming for the medals, in which case it's Stop Helping Me!.
  • Falco's "I'm here to rescue you!" in Macbeth and "I'll cover you, Fox!" in Bolse. His Badass Boasts are especially good since he's the only team member who legitimately helps you out during the missions.

Star Fox Adventures[]

  • The boss battle with King RedEye. Not only is Fox fighting a friggin' HUGE T-Rex, but it also ends with a cutscene of Fox wedging the Spellstone out of the king's head, doing a backflip, and impaling him in the head just before he could attack.
  • Falco coming back to help Fox fight Andross.

Falco: Hey, McCloud! Different time, different planet, and you still need Falco's help. It's good to see ya, buddy.


Star Fox Assault[]

  • At the mission in Corneria, Fox gets trapped by Aparoids. Suddenly, on the sky, a Wolfen appears. It's Wolf! He fires the building where Fox is standing, making Fox jump off thinking that he is being shot. As he falls, Wolf flies past to save him. While he excuses himself that he wants to be the one to bring Fox down, Panther smiles saying that it's a form of respect.
    • At the end of the mission, Wolf and Fox have a one-on-one chat, with each other finally accepting each other's skill. Wolf gives Fox some advice that allows Fox to survive in the final mission.

Wolf: Let me give you one piece of advice: Don't hesitate. When the time comes, just act!

  • Again in Assault, after infiltrating the Aparoid homeworld hive on Mission 9, we see the shields reappearing. However, Peppy sacrifices himself and Great Fox by ramming the (already doomed) ship towards the shields while giving a speech, allowing Star Fox and Star Wolf to enter the enemy base, giving the mourning teams a chance to fight the enemy.
  • Wolf bailing you out, and what follows is probably one of the best sections of the game.