Star Ship is one of the Atari 2600's launch titles. It's a port of Starship 1 and Lunar Lander, with several variations.
- Games 1-4: Just like Starship 1. Fly through space and shoot enemy ships while dodging asteroids.
- Games 5-9: A Player Versus Player variation of Starship 1, where one player controls the ship and tries to shoot a "Space Module" controlled by the other player.
- Games 10-11: "Warp Drive". Fly through space and cover as much distance as possible without hitting asteroids.
- Games 12-14: Lunar Lander, though without the physics.
- Games 15-17: Two-player Lunar Lander, one player controls the lander and one player controls the moon.
Not to be confused with the musical.
Star Ship provides examples of:[]
- Asteroid Thicket: Games 1-4, 6-11, 13-14, and 16-17.
- Beeping Computers
- First-Person Shooter: Games 1-9. The first Atari 2600 FPS.
- The Golden Age of Video Games
- Invisibility Cloak: The Space Module in the two-player Starship 1 games.
- No Plot, No Problem
- Player Versus Player: Games 5-9 and 15-17.
- Ragdoll Physics: Unfortunately averted in the Lunar Lander games. You just move the lander around the screen with the joystick, and fire the rocket to make contact with the moon.
- Scoring Points
- Side View: The Lunar Lander games.
- Timed Mission: 2:16 per round in one player games. 4:32 in two player games, with control of the two objects switching at the halfway point.
- Wrap Around: The Lunar Lander games.