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  • Tuvok had a really good one in "Prey". A member of Species 8472 has infiltrated a part of the ship and depressurized it. The crew members have split off in pairs to try to hunt it down, with Tuvok and Seven as one of the pairs. As they walk down a darkened, gravity-less hallway, they turn a corner and Seven spins and fires at something in the air. The camera pans and we see a floating datapad hanging in midair, spinning gently. It pans back to the two of them and Tuvok looks at the datapad critically, turns to Seven and calmly declares, "You missed."
  • Janeway had one where she and holo-Leonardo da Vinci built one of his Renaissance-era gliders, and used it in an escape plan. Thoroughly cool.
  • "Dreadnought" is forty-two minutes of CMOA for B'Elanna, especially when you consider that she was the one who programmed Dreadnought, so its frequent CMOAs in the episode also belong to her by proxy. Too bad she doesn't really get another set of CMOAs at this level until "Juggernaut."
  • Kes had her big moment facing off with a powerful telepath. With the alien having incapacitated the entire rest of the ship with various illusions, she manages to look him in the eye and turn his power against him, halting the illusion and hitting him with everything he just subjected her to. By the look of it, he wasn't quite so prepared to take it...
    • The alien gets one a moment later. He's lying on the floor in pain, and Janeway starts asking him about exactly how he creates the illusions (so they can stop him from doing it in the future) with a look that suggests she's just barely holding back the urge to kick him while he's down. He looks up and says:

 Botha: "I'd really like to accommodate you, but you see...I'm not really here." (*vanishes*)

  • Neelix and the Doctor saving several of their crewmates from holographic Nazis by attacking them with a group of drunken holographic Klingons in "The Killing Game" was pretty awesome.

 Neelix: Onward my brothers!

Doc: Qapla! Gentelmen! Qapla!

    • For that episode, two lines/sets of lines:

 Tom: If Betty Grable were to walk through that door right now, what part would you look at?

Harry: *pause* Her legs.

Tom: O.K.

Harry: GO TO HELL!!

  • For the Doctor, pick a moment from "Tinker Tailor Doctor Spy," especially the pre-credit sequence and the transformation into the ECH.
    • Toward the end, as acting captain, he manages to bluff the aliens with a fake weapon in either a rip-off or homage to the episodes "The Emissary" from TNG and "The Corbomite Maneuver" from TOS respectively, depending on who you ask. And he does it with style.

 Doc: "Tuvok! Activate the Photonic Cannon!" (beat) "Tuvok, that was an order!"

Tuvok: "Activating the Photonic Cannon... Sir."

  • Kes had another moment when she'd been body-snatched by an evil warlord. First, when you saw what the warlord did with Kes's powers... well, you learn why a Badass and very male Big Bad would want to spend the rest of the foreseeable future in the body of a waifish girl. (Of course, he didn't know that as an Ocampa, Kes, if she takes very good care of herself, will live to the ripe old age of nine, at best.) Then you find out the body's true owner's not as weak as the villain thought. He starts being driven mad, saying things that sound more Kes-ish than evil warlord-ish, and then we get a Journey to the Center of the Mind in which he confronts Kes. Tieran gives his speech of evilness, and Kes lets him know that he's messed with the wrong "little girl," ending with:

 Kes: "I won't stop until you're broken and helpless. There's nowhere you can go to get away from me. I'll be relentless, and merciless, just. Like. You."

    • At which point, Tieran awakens, and it turns out that he's actually been out for much longer than the few minutes that he experienced. And he is terrified. Of course, quoting it doesn't give you the full effect, which takes Kes' badass delivery. That's right, "Kes' badass delivery."
  • Another one for Janeway: after the ship is split into two equal versions and Vidiians invade one of them, that ship's Janeway destroys the ship to save the other one. When the Vidiians enter the bridge, Janeway flashes them a big smile and says "Hello. I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway. Welcome to the bridge." BOOM!
  • Although Voyager was notorious for its love affair with the Reset Button, it managed to push it in high style in the episode "The Year of Hell." Two Words: "Time's. Up."
    • More specifically, Janeway hit the Reset Button with VOYAGER ITSELF. There's a REASON it's the page image there.
    • Also when she flew through that binary cluster to scare the aliens off the ship in "Scientific Method".
  • The whole last half of "Pathfinder" is one for Barclay. After his radical procedure to contact Voyager is turned down, he breaks into the lab after hours to do it himself. After he's found out, he quickly transfers the controls to a holodeck simulation of Voyager and continues to run through the procedure, all while evading the guards chasing him using various tricks he's learned from his extensive time spent in the program. Finally, when he's caught and forced to give up, thinking his plan was a failure, a message comes through from Voyager and he's completely exonerated.
  • When Voyager discovers con artists have been impersonating them, Tuvok faces his double in an underground corridor:

 Fake Tuvok: Logic would dictate that neither of us has the advantage.

Tuvok: Your logic is flawed.

    • He proceeds to shine a flashlight in the fake Tuvok's eyes before stunning him.
  • The climax of "Shattered" is one for the entire crew. The ship is split into different time frames, and the final console needed to fix everything is in engineering, currently populated by Seska and the Kazon. To fight them, all the crew members from the various time frames join forces: Chakotay from the present day, Janeway, Paris, and Kim from before the ship leaves the Alpha Quadrant, an adult Naomi and Icheb from the future, and B'Elanna who is still in the Maquis. The coup de grace comes when Seska takes Janeway hostage but is stopped by the last arrival: the fully Borg Seven of Nine.
    • Then there's the way Janeway gets Magnificent Bastard Chaotica to inject one of the packs for her — seconds after he was ready to kill her.
  • The Doctor's rescue of B'Elanna and Chakotay in "Future's End, Part 2". "Divine intervention is... unlikely," indeed.
  • I submit... Admiral Kathryn Janeway. Crowning Admiral Of Awesome.
    • Voyager showing off its future tech. Not since Species 8472 has one ship been so awesome.
    • Five words:

 Future!Janeway: Must be something you assimilated.

    • Not to mention:

 Future!Janeway: Just enough... to bring chaos to order.

  • Ensign Harry Kim, "Timeless." Unfortunately, it's pretty much the only episode for the Ensign to shine.
  • When alien invaders were switching out the crew for themselves one by one, a couple of extras and Chakotay were the only ones left on the bridge and got to kick major ass before being neutralized.
  • And of course the whole "lower decks"-themed episode where Tuvok takes four surly crewmembers and over the course of one episode, turns them into kick ass machines of awesome. When they save Tuvok against orders...
  • Lon Suder infiltrated Engineering, single-handedly killed 11 Kazon (without missing!), and overloaded a backup phaser coil, killing Seska and allowing Tom Paris to retake the ship. Too bad he got killed.
  • Tuvok infiltrating a black market for violent emotions on a world of disciplined telepaths, and managing to get their interest and disable them by telepathically revealing WHY Vulcans prefer to repress their emotions.
  • In the episode "The Thaw", several people are stuck hooked up to a virtual reality that is being run by a personification of the emotion of fear who can only exist as long as there are terrified people connected to the system. Janeway manages to convince it into a "hostage exchange" where she takes the place of everyone else it's got in the simulation, then once everyone else is safely free she reveals that she tricked Fear with a computer-generated Janeway and isn't really connected. As Fear begins to fade away into nonexistence he whimpers "I'm afraid," to which Janeway responds with a cold "I know." See it here: [1]
    • Earlier in the same episode, Ensign Kim is being psychologically tortured by the Fear avatar, who is about to start on physical torture by slicing Kim open with a scalpel. Cue, from offscreen:

 The Doctor You're holding that wrong.

      • He proceeds to grab the scalpel and demonstrate the correct grip, saving Kim.
  • "Counterpoint" is a CMoA for the writers in general, but the best part is Janeway giving The Reveal in her best calm "don't you wish you'd figured it out" voice:

 Kashyk: You created false readings!

Janeway: That is the theme for this evening, isn't it?

  • "The Killing Game", for Seven of Nine, with an absolutely beautiful badass line. When the Hirogen tell her to sing or die, this is her response:

 One day the Borg will assimilate your species, despite your arrogance. When that moment arrives, remember me.

  • "Message in a Bottle". The USS Prometheus takes its place in the pantheon of Cool Starships with four words: Multi Vector Assault Mode. Holy Crap.
  • The Doctor escaping Voyager in "Renaissance Man", which finishes with him, disguised as a pregnant Torres, beating Tuvok in hand-to-hand combat by flipping off of walls. Parkour was never so justified in Star Trek.
  • Species 8472's introduction was a CMOF and an Oh Crap moment. When two Borg Cubes slowly move towards the camera delivering their Catch Phrase and Badass Boast, and then both of them are effortlessly blasted to scrap, one shot for each Cube, you know that bad stuff is gonna be happening.
  • Kim in "The Chute" defending Paris; "This man is my friend; nobody touches him."
  • Janeway going after the macroscopic macrovirues in "Macrocosm."
  • After a mind-meld with a murderer, Tuvok loses control of his emotions and finally shows us why Vulcans maintain such tight emotional control: he becomes manipulative, downright brutal in attacking peoples mental/emotional weak-points, and even attempts to use his telepathic powers to control Kes before demonstrating how strong a Vulcan is by trying to shove his hand through a forcefield!
    • Plus, killing Neelix. Too bad it wasn't real.
  • The fact that Janeway, in Scorpion, had the guts to form an alliance with the Borg and keep them from assimilating everyone on the ship, collaborate with them to take down Species 8472, completely shut down Chakotay as he's arguing that it would be so much safer to just give up and appears to send him to the brig. Then when Seven of Nine tries to backstab them as expected, she has a perfect back-stabbing of her own up her sleeve which utilizes the very commander she recently shouted down. In the end, Voyager strolls away having out-backstabbed the Borg, defeated Species 8472, and gained a drone and through her tons of new Borg technology.
  • Whenever things get dangerous, Voyager's crew tosses aside the little phasers and pull out the big guns.
  • Seven of Nine may be a Ms. Fanservice, but she has a few of her own. A small one comes when Tom tries to make her join his Captain Proton holoprogram. Instead of putting up with the complete overdose of cheese, Seven walks up to the oh-so-intimidating robot, says "I am Borg," opens a panel and pulls out a cord. She then turns to Tom and asks if she may leave now.
  • Seven of Nine was a great actress trapped in a Playboy body, if that makes sense. She started to dominate the show not because of her skin-tight outfits but because she was excellent and the "learn-to-be-human" storyline is, has been, and always will be sci-fi dynamite. Her finest moment to me was in "Drone", when a "transporter malfunction" (another classic ST Trope), creates a Borg son for her who grows to adulthood in like 3 days. Janeway orders Seven to teach the drone how to be human, which is wonderfully ironic because Seven has no idea herself. Drama ensues, and the final scene of the episode is arguably the best scene ever written on ST Voyager.