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Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew)[]

According to early promotional materials, the character of Janeway was treated very carefully to balance her authority with her femininity, and avoid presenting her as a stereotype in either situation. Thus, Janeway prefers to be called 'Captain' over 'Sir' or 'Ma'am.'
The character was originally named Nicole Janeway until French-Canadian actress Genevieve Bujold (who was the first choice for the role) backed out of the series (reports conflict on exactly why she left). Instead we got Kate Mulgrew, who did the best she could despite being quite annoyed with the constant shifts in her character. It is generally agreed that, given the scripts she had to work with, Mulgrew did a pretty awesome job.
- Badass in Charge
- Alternate Future Badass: Never Mess with Granny.
- Badass Boast: Pretty much comes with the job, but she gets off a magnificent one in the episode "Extreme Risk."
Janeway: Well, Mister...? |
- Badass Bookworm: Was in sciences before she was in command.
- The Captain
- Catch Phrase: "Do it!" and "Coffee. Black."
- Celibate Hero: Avoided having a relationship due to the Subordinate Excuse. And the fact that Q is a Jerkass. Hooked up with a holodeck character in later seasons.
- Character Tic: Janeway putting her hands on her hips. Spoofed in one episode where an alien race that communicates via body language regards this as "the worst insult imaginable."
- The Danza
- Death Glare
- Depending on the Writer: Is she a by-the-book hardass, an empathetic mother over her crew, a loose-cannon with a tendency to give in to her emotions and curiosity, a moral victor who upholds the ideals of the Federation in a savage galaxy, or a pragmatist who is very willing to play dirty to get her crew home? The writers had seven years to work on this, and they never figured it out.
- Heroes Love Dogs: She's a dog person, but is thousands of light-years from her own dog Mollie.
- Hot Amazon
- The Kirk
- The Leader: Generally Type III, but often Type I towards villains. Likes viewing herself as Type IV, but usually isn't. (Although to be fair, there are times when she *does* give a good speech)
- Lawful Stupid
- Mama Bear
- Must Have Caffeine: Arguably Janeway's most endearing personality quirk. She equates replenishing a dwindling Antimatter fuel supply with regaining the ability to order coffee from the energy-intensive replicators.
Janeway: There's coffee in that nebula. |
- More Deadly Than the Male — Janeway is not often physically violent, (that usually only happens if pretty much everyone else has been incapacitated) but she at times employs the Machiavellian angle, and is usually good at it.
- No Sense of Personal Space
- The Other Marty: See here.
- Parental Substitute: For B'Elanna, Paris and Seven in particular.
- Power Hair
- Puppy Dog Eyes
- Significant Monogram: Perhaps a "happy accident" but...compare to Kirk's name. Now widen eyes.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Vertically-challenged Janeway brandishes a big compression phaser rifle whenever it's time to go Sigourney Weaver on the Monster of the Week's butt.
- Team Mom
- Trademark Favorite Food: "Coffee. Black."
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Chakotay.
Commander Chakotay (Robert Beltran)[]

A member of the Maquis, a group of freedom fighters contesting Cardassian activities, Chakotay's ship was yanked into the Delta Quadrant shortly before Voyager was. Over the course of the pilot episode, he and his crew join forces with Janeway. Since he was a former Starfleet officer, Janeway re-activated his commission and made him her Number Two. Seven years later, nothing had changed.
- Commander Crash
- Demoted to Extra: As Seven got more focus, Chakotay was one of the characters to lose it. Reportedly became a cause for complaint from his actor.
- Dull Surprise: Reportedly a covert form of protest by Beltran, who was very dissatisfied with the show.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Facial Markings
- The Fettered
- Former Teen Rebel
- Heroes Want Redheads: Both Janeway and his previous girlfriend Seska are redheads.
- Honor Before Reason
- Magical Native American
- Number Two
- Only One Name
- The McCoy — Low key, but it appears at times.
- Token Minority
- Token Religious Teammate
- Unresolved Sexual Tension
Lieutenant Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ)[]

A Vulcan in the Maquis (assigned by Starfleet to infiltrate them), Janeway's best friend and (indirectly) the reason Voyager ended up stranded in the Delta Quadrant in the first place, he took up the positions of Tactical Officer and Security Officer on the consolidated crew.
Was the first Vulcan to be played by an African-American actor, after which the show's creators suddenly realized that a desert planet would likely produce skin tones rich in melanin. Russ' performance is generally regarded as the best portrayal of a Vulcan since Leonard Nimoy's Spock, and the second-best in the Trek Verse as a whole.
- Always Gets His Man
- Armed Altruism: There are occasionally times when someone initially dislikes Tuvok, and he wins them over with a Diving Save, although it doesn't normally result in him being seriously injured.
- By-The-Book Cop: Usually, but with occasional subversions.
- Badass Unintentional: Tuvok is archetypically a warrior who failed the Kohlinar, (the Vulcan training to control the emotions) and Vulcan society rejected its' military to the degree that said military actually formed a new civilisation. (The Romulans)
- The Comically Serious
- Deadpan Snarker: Perhaps inspired to become one at an interesting time earlier in his life...
Sulu: And don't tell me Vulcans don't have a sense of humor, because I know better. |
- Former Teen Rebel
- Logically Married: With children.
- Played up when he develops a neurological disease upon being separated from his wife for seven years (Vulcan marriages are weird).
- Hates Small Talk: Makes sense, as talking about nothing isn't logical.
"Vulcans do not make small talk." |
- The Lancer: To Janeway; often her source of advice.
- Promoted Fanboy: Unlike most Star Trek actors, Tim Russ came into the series as a full-fledged Trekkie. He would get into arguments over how a Vulcan would behave, but still his portrayal of Tuvok was likely the best Vulcan performance since Leonard Nimoy and Mark Lenard.
- In fact, Russ' first try at getting into Star Trek was auditioning for Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation. He would eventually do a small guest star role there, as well as play a bridge officer on the Enterprise-B in Generations.
- Reverse Mole: At the beginning, when he is in the Maquis but is actually a Federation agent.
- Smart People Play Chess
- The Spock
- The Stoic — As a Vulcan, you tend to expect this; although on the rare occasion when he *does* lose it, look out.
- Stealth Pun: Does his being a black Vulcan remind you of something?
- Often appears in the same scene/shot with a Commander of vague Native American ancestry, just to drive it home.
- Straw Vulcan: Frequently. Also overlaps with his role as a security officer, where he generally recommends the more cautious/safe/shoot-first-ask-questions-later options (just like Worf in TNG).
- Super Weight: Somewhere between Iron (he is well trained, and taught hand to hand combat at the academy) and Super. (Vulcans are very physically strong compared with humans, and he also has the mind meld, although he only uses the latter occasionally)
- Twofer Token Minority
Lieutenant junior grade Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill)[]

A superb pilot who was drummed out of Starfleet after some sort of training accident, then joined the Maquis...but was caught and arrested on his very first Maquis mission; the opening scene of the show is Janeway securing his release from prison. His Backstory is similar to that of TNG guest character Nick Locarno, who was also played by McNeill; lawyers claim the show would've had to pay royalties to that episode's writer, while VOY's creative staff claim that they thought Locarno was irredeemable and so replaced him with someone new on purpose. Draw your own conclusions.
- Ace Pilot
- Big Brother Mentor
- Born in the Wrong Century
- Captain Ersatz
- Ethical Slut
- Fan of the Past: Done more realistically than most examples — Tom is a fan of the 20th century, but mainly of the early to mid part of it, liking Captain Proton from The Thirties and cars of The Fifties. When he was thrust into the viewers' present day of 1996 through Time Travel, he adapted better than the rest of the crew but still made a faux pas by referring to the Soviet Union.
- Grease Monkey
- Handsome Lech: Until he falls in love with B'Elanna.
- Official Couple: With B'Elanna.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In contrast with the Locarno character, whom McNeill described as just the reverse — kind on the outside, evil on the inside.
- The Medic: Though mostly played for comedy vis-a-vis the Doctor.
- Military Brat
- Renaissance Man: He's an ace pilot, expert commando, knows how to pick locks and superb theoretical physicist capable of designing an engine that goes to infinite speed. He's also the field medic.
- Porn Stache: Lieutenant Marseilles, The Doctor's Captain Ersatz of Paris in the holonovel Photons Be Free, sports one.
Lieutenant junior grade B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Biggs-Dawson a.k.a. Roxann Dawson)[]

A Human/Klingon hybrid engineer from the Maquis who gets put in charge of Voyager's engines. She technically counted as a Threefer Token Minority, although Star Treks optimistic vision meant nobody gave her crap about being a woman...and Voyagers poor writing left any exploration of her Spanish-speaking heritage out in the cold.
- Action Girl
- Badass Bookworm
- Beastess/Cute Monster Girl: Generally fairly mild, although she has her moments.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Hot Amazon
- Official Couple: With Tom.
- Spicy Latina
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For TNG recurring character Ro Laren, just like Kira Nerys in Deep Space Nine before her — Ro joining the Maquis in TNG's penultimate episode was intended as a setup for Voyager. When Michelle Forbes again refused to commit to a full series, the writers invented a new character instead.
- Techno Wizard
- Tsundere
- Twofer Token Minority
- Wrench Wench
Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang)[]

An ensign who somehow managed to get on the bridge crew (he's in charge of the Ops console, which essentially makes him a glorified administrator), Kim plays the role of New Meat. The show being what it is, he stays that way.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Butt Monkey: Seriously. Harry, Gollum from the Lord of the Rings, and Waspinator from Beast Wars are blood brothers in this regard.
- Death Is Cheap: Seriously, how many times has he been nearly killed, killed and brought back, or killed and replaced with a parallel universe version of himself?
- Fridge Brilliance: Ensign rank, wearing a Yellow (replacement for TOS's Red) uniform... He's a Red Shirt that somehow got Contractual Immortality by ending up in opening credits billing.
- Fake Ethnicity: Garrett Wang is Chinese-American, while "Kim" is a common Korean name (The character was born in South Carolina).
- Fatal Attractor
- Garfunkel
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places
- Naive Newcomer
- Renaissance Man
- School Newspaper Newshound: Harry edited the newspaper at Starfleet Academy and broke the story of the Maquis rebellion, getting the students and faculty to form opinions and take sides.
- Static Character: Not only does he never seem to lose the wide-eyed innocence, but the Limited Advancement Opportunities of this poor kid still being an Ensign after everything he's gone through... especially when Paris can apparently earn an extra pip with a month's hard work (but only to restore Status Quo Is God.)
The Doctor (Robert Picardo)[]

Originally, Voyager had an actual doctor, but despite wearing a blue Sciences shirt, he died in the transit to the Delta Quadrant. Fortunately, Voyager was outfitted with an experimental new technology: An "Emergency Medical Hologram" who can hold down the job in a pinch. Sarcastic, snarky, pushed way beyond his comfort zones and (initially) unable to leave Sickbay, The Doctor naturally became a fan favorite.
- Aesop Amnesia: Several episodes had some malfunction occur in his matrix as a result of his own attempted self-improvements. Among these are him turning into a total psychopath and losing his grip on reality. He never simply took the advice of getting some help in installing these improvements.
- Badass Automaton: Although usually also as Plucky Comic Relief.
- Breakout Character
- Catch Phrase: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
- Character Development: Instead of AI Is a Crapshoot, the drama was from this computer program—designed for limited supplementary work as basically a glorified nurse—-having to transcend his own hard-coded limitations.
- Dr. Jerk
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Hard Light Hologram: Though he can toggle this at will. His substantiation is effected through projected forcefields as with any holographic projection in Star Trek.
- Heroic BSOD: A literal one, brought on by a Sadistic Choice of saving Harry's life or that of another crewman. This wreaks havoc with the Doctor's ethical subroutines, which aren't equipped to make such a judgement.
- I Am the Noun: "I am the embodiment of modern medicine."
- I Can't Dance: The Doctor in one episode
- I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: He actually used this line more than Bones did, believe it or not (helps that the show ran for over twice what the original did).
- Incidentally, during his audition, Picardo, a non-Trekkie, ad-libbed the line, "I'm a doctor, not a lightbulb," despite having no clue that it was McCoy's catchphrase back in TOS. He got the part.
- Insufferable Genius
- Last of His Kind: The EMH Mark 1's lousy bedside manner meant that the program was considered an abysmal failure in the Alpha Quadrant and they were repurposed to mine dilithium. The Doctor is the only EMH Mark 1 still in service as a Physician. Except that other Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant which also had one, but that EMH was evil and got deleted.
- Morality Chip: "Ethical subroutines"...which can be deactivated if you need him to cross a Moral Event Horizon.
- Projected Man
- Soul Jar: The Doctor eventually got a "mobile emitter" which made him a self-sustaining hologram and allowed him to roam the halls. As a plot point, this could always be stolen from him to de-activate him.
- Super-Powered Robot Meter Maids: Especially in the episode "Renaissance Man".
- Tinman Typist
- Weak-Willed
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: The Doctor is eager to show Dr Zimmerman how much he's evolved — unfortunately his creator turns out to be a Jerkass who's embarrassed about the Mark One's very existence.
Neelix (Ethan Phillips)[]
- http
- //static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/trek_neelix_6809.jpg
A Talaxian denizen of the Delta Quadrant which Voyager runs into not long after arrival, Neelix is supposed to be Fun Personified. This didn't work out right. In the meanwhile, he runs the ship's galley, serves as "morale officer," helps in trade and barter, acts as a native guide for the crew and wears really awkward costumes that look like they were salvaged from upholstery.
- Dead Little Sister
- For Happiness
- The Heart
- Hotblooded Sideburns: Heck, many of the adult male Talaxians wear these.
- Intrepid Reporter: Neelix begins using his television show A Briefing With Neelix to unmask spy Michael Jonas, after having been inspired by School Newspaper Newshound Harry Kim to do this.
- Lethal Chef
- Leprechaun/Our Fairies Are Different
- Morale Officer
- Only One Name
- Sad Clown
- Team Chef
- You Can't Go Home Again
Kes (Jennifer Lien)[]

Until the third season, Kes traveled with Voyager. Neelix's girlfriend until they broke up in the third season, she was the medical assistant in Sickbay, and a counterpoint to the Doctor's sardonic wit and non-existent bedside manner. Shortly after she joins the ship, she begins to help the Doctor in developing himself as a Hologram. Eventually she was written out, with the excuse that her latent telepathic powers were getting out of control.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence
- Bizarre Alien Biology: The Ocampa's reprodutive cycle is... well frankly, it's completely impossible. To whit, Ocampa can get pregnant only once, and they get one child... you do the math[1].
- Break the Cutie
- Creepy Child
- Grand Theft Me: Occurs in the Season 3 episode "Warlord" when Kes' body is possessed by a, you guessed it, a dying sadistic MALE warlord. She also gets a little Bi the Way action in this episode.
- Innocent Flower Girl
- The Medic
- Only One Name
- Put On A Shuttlecraft / The Shuttlecraft Came Back: A literal interpretation of these tropes. The former in the Season 4 episode "The Gift". The latter in the Season 7 episode "Fury"
- Not as You Know Them: In reference to the Season 7 episode "Fury".
- Shorter Means Smarter
- Sufficiently Advanced Alien
- Super Intelligence: As the series progresses, it is revealed Kes possesses a variety of qualities related to this trope.
- Younger Than They Look: Has a nine year life cycle, but each year looks like about 10.
Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan)[]

Kes' replacement on the main cast was a disconnected member of the Borg, a species dominant in the Delta Quadrant. Once a young human girl named Annika Hansen, born to parents who liked to explore the unknown, she and her family were basically the first members of Homo sapiens to be assimilated by the Borg. Eighteen years later, she was assigned to Voyager as a liaison between the Starfleet ship and the Borg Collective, and was later liberated (against her will) from the Borg and made an individual again. While there was a lot of snark over the fact that Jeri Ryan is a living incarnation of Ms. Fanservice, viewers were pleasantly surprised that the first thing thrown at Seven of Nine was a healthy dose of Character Development. (The second thing was the Spy Catsuit.) She eventually became The Spock of the main Power Trio, alongside The Doctor and Janeway.
- Berserk Button: Oh my, did you just call Seven imperfect? You, sir, may now kiss your ass goodbye.
- Breakout Character
- Can't Hold Her Liquor: Just one glass of fake wine is enough to send her through a loop.
- The Cast Showoff: In "The Killing Game," that is Jeri Ryan singing for real, not lip syncing.
- In fairness, Jeri Ryan is pretty darn talented. Witness her flawless imitation of The Doctor in the Season 7 episode "Body & Soul".
- The Chanteuse: Seven of Nine plays one in a holoprogram set in German-occupied France.
- Character Development
- Cyborg
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deuteragonist: Later seasons can fairly be called "The Janeway and Seven Show, featuring The Doctor[2]".
- Fascinating Eyebrow
- Foil: To Captain Janeway.
- Future Spandex: Where's the zipper? Oh right, there isn't one — it was GLUED ON.
- Dangerously so, in fact- Jeri Ryan passed out twice due to how tight her first outfit was around the neck.
- Hot Scientist
- Humanity Ensues / Humanity Is Infectious
- Kuudere
- The Lancer
- Mama Bear: Not quite to Janeway's level, but she's definitely protective. Seven is shown to have grown a very strong bond with the Borg children she helped rescue and shows considerable concern for their well being. She even verbally attacks Icheb's birth parents on a few occasions in the episode "Child's Play".
- She's also very protective of the crew as a whole. She's single-handedly saved all of them on a few occasions, almost killing herself in the procces. And when everyoone else wanted to make nice with (Evil Kes), she just pointed a phaser at her and said. "State your intentions!" In a way that sounded more like, you lay a hand on anybody here, and I will kick your ass!
- Ms. Fanservice
- Raised by Orcs
- Rogue Drone: Her basic character concept as an ex-Borg.
- The Snark Knight
- Some Call Me... Tim
- Split Personality: A techno-virus in one episode gives her at least seven alternate personalities. She's cured by the end of the episode.
- The Spock
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Her presence diverted a lot of attention away from the original cast.
- Star-Making Role: For Jeri Ryan. While still busy, for a time in the late 90's she was everywhere.
- Toplessness From the Back: We see Seven naked in two different episodes, but only a top-half rear view is shown.
- You Are Number Seven
- Wetware Body: This occurs in the Season 7 episode "Body & Soul". Hilarity Ensues when The Doctor is forced to download his program into Seven's consciousness.
- Bi the Way: In reference to the same episode.