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  • Chakotay cradling the dead Janeway's body in "Coda", even if it turns out to be a hallucination. The anguished cry he lets out is absolutely heartbreaking.
  • The frozen bridge in "Timeless".
    • More than that, future Harry's breakdown over not being able to get Voyager home...and then his jubilation when he manages to save them at the last moment.
  • An amnesiac B'Elanna beginning to remember her old life and wondering if the similarly-amnesiac Tom will ever love her again in "Workforce".
  • Tuvok mourning Suder at the end of "Basics, Part II".
  • Tuvok saying goodbye to Janeway in "Year of Hell, Part II".
  • Seven's goodbye to Icheb in "Child's Play".
  • "Course: Oblivion" is one Tear Jerker after another.
  • One of the assimilated personalities that Seven channels in "Infinite Regress" is an older woman who was going to meet her son, a Starfleet lieutenant, at Wolf 359 when the Borg attacked. Unaware of the nine years since then, or that she was herself taken by the Borg, she begs Janeway to help her find him and tell him that his mother is all right.
  • "Drone":

 Seven: You must comply! ... please ... you are hurting me.

One: You will adapt.

  • Tuvix trying to rally some support among the bridge crew. He's about to be executed, and he's literally committed no crime.
  • Seven trying to come to grips with glimpsing her holy grail in "The Omega Directive".

  Seven: For 3.2 seconds...I saw perfection. When Omega stabilized, I felt a curious sensation. As I was watching it, it seemed to be watching me. The Borg have assimilated many species, with mythologies to explain such moments of clarity. I've always dismissed them as trivial. Perhaps I was wrong.

  • The Doctor's breakdown when learning what really happened during Latent Image, and his attempts to deal with it in the end, with the crew keeping a round the clock vigil to ensure that he avoids another system crash.
  • The ending of Unforgetable, only Chakotay's writing everything down on paper manages to prevent a complete Downer Ending.