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  • Actor Allusion: Beissman is basically Biff Tannen in Starfleet.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Jeffrey Combs as the Big Bad Romulan Commander in EF2; Combs has played a number of roles in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
    • There's also Thomas "Biff Tannen/Maniac" Wilson as Biessman in EF1, and the distinct Tony Jay as the Ultimate Evil in EF2.
    • And Kleeya is voiced by the actress who did Konoko in Oni and Miss Deep in Read or Die.
    • Andy Milder voiced Chell in EFII only, He also voiced Brex in Bridge Commander. And they're both Bolians.
    • And Doctor Silverman plays a few of the enemy voices in the first game.
    • Tony Todd voices Korban in EF2. He previously played Worf's brother, Kurn, as well as both an adult and elderly Jake Sisko on Deep Space Nine.
    • J.G. Hertzler, best known in Trek circles as Martok, voices one of the Klingon bosses in the game.
  • The Other Darrin (voice only): Jeri Ryan was not available to voice Seven Of Nine in EF1 and was replaced. In the Expansion Pack, however, Ryan's voice replaced the replacement's, making her The Other Other Darrin.