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- The ending of "Innocents of Ryloth". After the fight is over and Numa is reunited with her family, she waves goodbye to Waxer and Boil, calling them "nerra", as she had throughout the episode. When the troopers ask Obi-Wan what it means, he smiles and replies "Nerra. It means "brother"."
- That entire subplot was one massive Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. Waxer's concern for Numa is adorable, as is the way Boil warms up to her in the end.
- The ending of "Voyage of Temptation". Obi-Wan foils a hostage/assassination plot upon Duchess Satine, who he used to be romantically involved with when he was still in training. He admits to Satine that if she'd asked he'd have left the Jedi Order to be with her. Both of them acknowledge their feelings for each other, yet being unable to act on them, due to their roles in society, they part having also come to terms with their opposing standpoints on the war. After Satine remarks on what a wise Jedi Obi-Wan is, the following exchange occurs:
Satine: And yet... I'm still not sure... about the beard. |
- Several of the scenes between Anakin and Ashoka. Because of their relationship and the alternate portrayal of Anakin, this troper is actually saddened by the thought of his fall, in a way that the prequel trilogy never delivered.
- Episode 16 of third season was pretty much this. Nevermind that Ahsoka was briefly turned to Dark Side, but the beginning when Ahsoka asked if Anakin had seen a nightmare and again in the end, when after Ahsoka had been revived by The Daughter, they hugged. Actually, even just Anakin's portrayal in the series is heartwarming for this troper.
- Pretty much anything to do with 99.
- Anakin and Ahsoka's reunion in the end of "Wookiee Hunt".
- Just a small one from earlier in the episode. Ahsoka, Chewie, Jinx, and O-Mer manage to trick the Trandoshans into an ambush. O-Mer takes control of the Trandoshan's speeder, looks over at Ahsoka, extends his hand, and, with a Casanova Wannabe-like smile, asks "Need a lift?" This boy has been in abject despair for the past two-and-a-half episodes, even more so than the other two younglings on the island. Yet, Ahsoka has got him believing in himself and his friends again, not to mention smiling again. That one moment, which says so much without anything really being scripted, is what won this troper into the fandom.
- In the episode "Nomad Droids," C-3PO and R2-D2 are on their own on a planet with no real hope of getting back home. At one point, where things are looking particularly bleak, C-3PO quietly comments at that he'd expected to already be safe by that point because R2 was so good at getting out of these kinds of messes. It is so rare to have C-3PO actually compliment the smaller droid and it was rather nice to see.
- Savage Opress' reaction when he finally finds Darth Maul in "Brothers". It shows that, even after all the Nightsister magic and mind control spells he was subjected to, Savage is still a caring brother.
- The way Ahsoka comforted and encouraged Prince Lee-Char through out the Mon Cala trilogy.
- Ahsoka's conversation with Governor Roshti at the end of the episode 'Escape from Kadavo'.
- At the end of "Bounty", Ventress gets a Pet the Dog moment when she decides to free the girl who was to become a bride to the warlord.