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  • Yvaines' confession of love to Tristan while he's in mouse form.
    • Followed up later when he's human again and reveals that he understood her.
  • The Pirate Captain's secret life as a Camp Gay Wholesome Crossdresser is revealed to his crew and he is devastated, thinking he's lost all credibility and authority with the crew. The crew then reveals that they knew about his secret the whole time anyway, and as far as they're concerned he's still their captain.

But Captain, we've always known you was a whoopsie...

  • When Una and Yvaine are kidnapped by Lamia, and Una holds a sobbing Yvaine and strokes her hair.

Yvaine: What do stars do? They shine.

  • The ending, when Tristan and Yvaine, having ruled Stormhold for many happy years, light the Babylon candle and return to the stars. Nothing like the ending of the book, but still...awww.

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