Crowning Moment of Funny: Krikles accidentally teleports into the middle of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade, full of guys in huge feathered costumes, and panics because he thinks he's in an animal stampede. He then wins a prize for "most original costume."
Special Effects Failure: Less than you'd expect in a show that appears to have been made with a budget of about 37 cents.
Tear Jerker: The ending!Chris's mother decides to move. The time connection almost certainly won't work if the computer is moved, and for a variety of reasons Chris dares not tell anyone about his discovery. They promise to meet again as adults... but for Ingrid, that's a ten year wait, and for Chris, it's a forty year wait, and they'll still have a thirty year age difference. Your eyes cannot be dry as Chris pulls the plug on the computer for the last time. The last scene is a split screen of the two kids, each in their own room, facing each other to say good-bye, the only time in the series we've seen them face to face.