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Stay Tooned is a 1996 video game by Funnybone Interactive and published by Sierra Entertainment, featuring various cartoon characters that have escaped the TV World thanks to a magical remote. It is the player's goal to collect the keys to send them back using said remote, but unfortunately it has been hidden deep inside the apartment complex the character resides in.

It is notable for being a particularly random video game, with many, many cutscenes.

Tropes used in Stay Tooned! (video game) include:

Announcer: Tai Chi Chisel! Versus! Kung Fu Frank! *evil laugh*

  • Plot Device: The remote is the only thing that can get the toons back into the television set. Naturally, it's hidden well, although there are quite a few hints that can help the player find it.
  • The Protagonist: Pixel.
  • Shout-Out: Several, such as Kartoon Kombat, Whinefeld, and Schleopardy.
  • Unrequited Love: Schmooze can never get Pixel to like him even though he's smitten with her.
  • What Happened to the Mouse??: It's never explained what happens to the toons that are not required for the player to zap back inside the television set, although it's possible that that they were zapped into the television set as well offscreen.