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Stealing Harry is a fan fiction written by Sam The Storyteller. Its summary says it best:
"Stealing Harry grabs canon by the throat and disembowels it. If Lucius Malfoy got to Peter Pettigrew before Sirius could, Sirius would be a bookshop owner, Remus would have a steady job, and one day, when Harry Potter was eight-and-a-half years old, they might kidnap him from the Dursleys..." |
The work is very popular among Remus/Sirius, though others enjoy it as well. Sadly, though Stealing Harry is complete, its sequel, Laocoon's Children, is a Dead Fic. Proceed with caution.
It can be found here as well as many other places.
This page requires some Wiki Magic.
Tropes used in Stealing Harry include:
- Abusive Parents: Vernon and Petunia.
- Alt Fic
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Bellatrix and Peter Pettigrew in the first story.
- Expands to Peter, Quirrell, and Voldemort in the second, as per canon.
- Big Brother Bully: Though his cousin, not his brother, this trope fits Dudley to a tee.
- Big Friendly Dog: Harry thinks Padfoot is this.
- The Bully: Sticking with canon, Dudley.
- Changeling Fantasy: Well, it is based on Harry Potter, but Harry finds out about being a wizard sooner in this fic.
- Crossover: With canon, in that Remus has dreams about his canon existence.
- Cheerful Child: Harry.
- Dead Fic: Laocoon's Children, the sequel, which leaves off in the third book and is officially confirmed dead.
- Everyone Can See It: Andromeda assumed Remus and Sirius were gay together years before they actually were.
- Experimented In School: Sirius, with James. Though not as far as he says.
- Forgets to Eat: Remus. As a werewolf, he's impervious to essentially everything, so being hungry doesn't affect him. Combined with his inability to hold down a job, this leads to him nearly starving to death.
- Good Parental Substitutes: Remus and Sirius.
- Green-Eyed Epiphany: How Sirius realized he liked Remus. Too many "old book collectors" for his taste.
- Happily Adopted: Harry, after Remus and Sirius 'kidnap' him from Petunia and Vernon Dursley.
- Also Neville, after his gran is killed and he moves in with the Tonkses.
- If It's You It's Okay: Sirius likes girls. Remus is his exception.
- Intimate Healing: Sirius tries this on Remus. It works as intended, but Remus feels completely betrayed once he's actually more than half-concious.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Sirius and James, when they were younger.
- Little Boys Love Stuffed Animals: Harry. His only toy when he is with the Dursleys is a toy frog he found and refused to be parted with.
- Meaningful Name: Almost everyone, sticking to JKR's canon.
- Meaningful Rename: Harry's alias as Professor Snape's nephew is "Parvus," which means small.
- Nigh Invulnerability: Remus. His weaknesses are fire, silver, beheading, and other werewolves. Which means he is protected from the Killing Curse.
- Papa Wolf: Both Remus and Sirius.
- Sssssnaketalk: Just like in canon, Harry.
- Took a Level in Badass: Unfortunately, Peter.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Remus, "Hit him?" the man [Remus] asked. "I'd as soon hit a child.'
- Would Hurt a Child: Bellatrix, Peter Pettigrew... Let's just say basically all the bad guys.