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Where does the energy of a planet go, when that planet dies? And why do some planets die, in the first place? Nobody knows, but that's not going to stop you: you will find out what's happening to your dying planet, no matter how hard your research will be. And it WILL be harder than you might think, that's guaranteed
Welcome to an unfriendly world, where mysterious and evil creatures rule and prosper.
Welcome to a dangerous world, where enemies are lurking behind every single corner.
Welcome to a bizarre world, where none of your notions apply.
Welcome to Steel Saviour , where you'll need all of your skills and guts to survive.
Good luck, brave traveller…


Steel Saviour is an obscure side-scrolling Shoot'Em Up game for the PC, developed by Atlanteq. The rather loose plot has your character pilot the titular ship in order to destroy strange, evil creatures threatening an unnamed planet. In this game, you gain powerups by scoring combos by destroying chains of enemies. Side weapons are available too, such as a machine gun, homing missiles and a Spread Shot. A Smart Bomb is available in the game as well.

The game contains five levels, the first four of which are based off water, fire, lightning and wind. The final level "Void", is a bleak level whose terrain is the final boss itself.

Tropes used in Steel Saviour include: