- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Sting FINALLY getting his hands on "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan at Starrcade 1997, winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from him with help from Bret Hart.
- Everything he's done in TNA since becoming Dangerously Genre Savvy.
- Crowning Moment of Funny:
- During Sting's ill-advised heel turn and feud against a face Hulk Hogan, he did do something pretty funny-- he assaulted Hogan while he was signing autographs for kids.
Sting: "Hey Hulkster, can I have your autograph toooo?" |
- There also was a commercial for Sprite in which he challenges a young wrestling fan to a match, right in the kid's house. The boy takes a swig of Sprite, thinking it will transform him into a wrestling prodigy - and Sting mops the floor with him anyway, while the kid's parents just look on and laugh.
- Growing the Beard: The familiar all-white look that is most closely associated with Sting was first sported by him on the October 21, 1996, episode of WCW Monday Nitro; in the beginning, the paint actually evoked The Ultimate Warrior, as it appeared to be two wing-shaped white splotches covering each half of his face. This look soon transitioned to a uniform whiteness with black eyes and black lips, and gradually became scarier as the black streaks emanating from Sting's eyes grew thicker and longer and more thorn-like, until they were almost more prominent than the whiteface itself. In 2011, Sting's makeup became a less monochromatic hodgepodge of black and red interlocking streaks on a white canvas, thus brilliantly evoking both the colorful pre-1996 look and the demonic "Wolfpac" makeup. Now, however, it's taken on a "Joker" appearance that (along with his radical new behavior) is quite controversial among fans.
- Ham and Cheese / Evil Is Hammy: He seems to be having a lot of fun in his recent heel run.
Sting: "The blood isn't on my hands Hogan! You brought this upon yourself!" |
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Steve Borden actually holds the trademark on the name "Sting" for a performer. That means that Sting the musician has to pay Sting the wrestler in order to use the name he's best known as (apparently, it's a token sum).
- Magnificent Bastard: Sting is showing signs of this in his recent heel run, from his Ledger!Joker-esque rants against TNA management, playing every single face and keeping his badass evil smirk while he does it.
- He retained all the above traits when he turned Face, and increased the amount of Ledger!Jokerness.
- Memetic Mutation: "The SHOCK! MASTER!" *Shockmaster faceplants*
- Took a Level In Dumbass / Motive Decay: In four months since taking power, the Dangerously Genre Savvy Dark Guile Hero who rightly accused Hulk Hogan of protecting his favorites and successfully fought to expose and destroy The Illuminati-style corruption and power grip Hulk was on with Eric Bischoff through practically clairvoyant psychological warfare that lasted almost two years, has now been reduced to a borderline Fundamentalist Bureaucrat trying to screw with Bobby Roode for not being the kind of champion he favors. So far every inescapable situation he's put Roode in hasn't been so, and it's gotten even worse with his direct involvement increasing. In fact, Roode even utterly played Sting at Against All Odds into helping him beat Jeff Hardy to keep the belt, and now Roode's gotten so deep under his skin that he's reverted to the Joker mode that used to be his best tool against Immortal and actively booked himself in a pay-per-view fight with Roode, resulting in the same "Drunk with Power" protest gag that foreshadowed Stone Cold Steve Austin's removal as co-GM of WWE Raw in 2003.
- May have just averted this trope by realizing himself that the GM!Avenger thing wasn't working and voluntarily stepping down the Impact after Victory Road.