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Stingray-tvshow 4699

"Stand by for action!"


 "Anything can happen in the next half-hour!"



 "It dives under the sea, into the world below

Where beauty and mystery can always be found

It dives fearless and free, chasing the strangest foe

But against all adversity, sails homeward BOOOOOOUND!"'


Stingray is a children's marionette television show, created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, that ran from 1964-65. Stingray was also the first British television programme to be filmed entirely in colour (the earlier series The Adventures Of Sir Lancelot had been made in colour from halfway through its run).

Set Twenty Minutes Into the Future, the show's focus was the day-to-day adventures of the crew of WASP, the World Aquanaut Security Patrol (why, what WASP were you thinking of?), a Californian naval organization dedicated to keeping the world's waters free of any danger — in particular, any danger caused by the Aquaphibians, a race of evil fish-men. Helping them to lead the way is Captain Troy Tempest, who pilots the titular Stingray submarine alongside George Lee "Phones" Sheridan (so named because he operates the ship's hydrophones).

The organization falls under the direction of Commander Sam Shore, who as a result of a submarine accident is now confined to a hoverchair around the base. His daughter is Atlanta Shore, the assistant communications officer who loves Troy Tempest from afar.

Tagging along with the two pilots is a mute, tail-less mermaid by the name of Marina, who is forbidden by her ruler Titan to ever speak (if she does so, he will destroy her people). Unfortunately for Atlanta, Troy seems to be attracted to her.

It has nothing to do with the American '80s series of the same name.
