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Sub-Trope of Trick Bomb, the Stink Bomb is a common item used by pranksters in school settings. In other settings, it's used as a distraction or a deterrent.

The most common variety are simply vials of either ammonium sulfide (which breaks down into several smelly gases on contact with air) or Thiols (a range of hydrocarbon derivatives which smell unpleasant and evaporate quickly) which are released by rupturing them.

See also The Other Wiki's article on this.

Examples of Stink Bomb include:

Anime and Manga[]

  • Ussop in One Piece used to use them. Now, that his skills with exotic plants allow him to combine Green Thumb and Elemental Baggage, he uses a seed pellet that grows on impact, blooming into a fully grown rafflesia right into the opponent's face.
  • Referenced in the title of a segment of the anthology film Memories — "Stink Bomb" is the story of a man who accidentally becomes a living stench weapon.

Comic Books[]

  • Extremely common as stock pranks in The Beano and similar children's comics. Also the name of one of the characters in the Beano strip Super School.

Fan Works[]

  • Getting Back on Your Hooves has Spike ask Twilight if he can throw one Rainbow Dash gave him into Prince Blueblood's room during their visit to Canterlot as revenge for his treatment of Rarity at the Gala. Twilight tells him no, because she doesn't feel like getting arrested...again. He does it anyway when Twilight wasn't looking, causing her to have to go to Canterlot and clean up his room.


Live Action TV[]

  • In the Doctor Who story "The Ice Warriors", the Doctor attempts to use a vial of ammonium sulphide to disable the Martians. Victoria identifies it as a stink bomb, and the Doctor snarks that she's had "a classical education".

Tabletop Games[]

  • Spells that create stink bomb effects:
    • Shadowrun: Stink makes it more difficult for anyone in the area of effect to succeed in their actions.
    • Dungeons and Dragons: Stinking Cloud causes those inside of it to be helpless with nausea for as long as they're in it and up to 5 minutes after they leave it.

Western Animation[]

  • Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy: the El Mungo Stinkbomb, which Eddy claimed to have learned from his older brother.
  • In The Simpsons episode spoofing 24, Bart (in the Jack Bauer role) has to stop Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney from detonating a powerful stink bomb on the school's bake sale.
  • In an episode of The Venture Brothers, Brock and Shore Leave have to stop an evil scientist from making. . . a stink bomb. Brock is skeptical of its importance at first until Shore Leave explains the significance of olfactory science.
  • In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hakoda invented tanglemines which would gum up the propeller of a ship and cause a terrible smell to force an evacuation.

 I call it the Stink-n-Sink.


Real Life[]

  • CS Gas, commonly known as teargas, used to disorient and discomfort people. It's often used in hostage situations by SWAT officers and the like.