A Mega Man-like Platform Game starring Stinkoman, the blue-haired Animesque counterpart of Strong Bad from Homestar Runner. It was released as a Flash game in 2005, and is freely playable--at least through the ninth level.
- Absurd Altitude: Parodied. Stinkoman jumps this high to get over a wall that is only just out of his normal jumping reach, spending the rest of the stage first flying upwards, then falling down.
- All There in the Manual: Just about anything that can hurt you has a name in the Stinkomanual. That's not a cactus! It's called a Pooru-Pooru!
- All the Worlds Are a Stage: The final platforming level takes everything from the rest of the game and throws it in a blender.
- Bad with the Bone: One enemy is an obese, robotic chicken that constantly spits bones out of its mouth.
- Bigger Bad: The Shadowy Figure. Too bad we will never get to see what he actually looks like, unfortunately.
- Bladder of Steel: No pausing in this game!
- Bubbly Clouds: The Pink Cloud Zone!
- Critical Existence Failure
- Escort Mission: Stinkoman has to protect his Power Crunch from the creatures in the Lava Zone!
- Face Ship: The Stinkowing (a fighter jet shaped like Stinkoman's mask).
- Floating Platforms
- Flying Seafood Special: The level 9 enemies. Soooo..... I shoot the coral?
- Giant Hands of Doom: Stlunko.
- Idle Animation: If Stinkoman is left standing, he will start to yawn. In the level where you play as 1-Up instead, 1-Up will blow Snot Bubbles instead.
- Inconveniently-Placed Conveyor Belt: Most inconvenient with Stlunko, the Level 3 boss.
- Instant Ice, Just Add Cold: Stinkoman will freeze into an ice cube if he stands still too long in the Slippy-Slidey Ice World.
- Intentional Engrish for Funny: "AND OTHER VICTORY FOR STINKOMAN!!"
- Invincible Minor Minion: Clowder from Level 3.
- Lethal Lava Land: Level 4.
- Manual Misprint: The Level 9 boss is not a squid.
- Minus World: Level -0: Negatory
- The Missingno: Poor Ekersby. He's a jumble of good, good graphics from the rest of the game.
- One Up: Collecting an icon of Stinkoman's head grants the player an extra life. In an homage to this trope, the 20X6 version of Homestar is named 1-Up.
- Planar Shockwave: The Stinkowing causes a few when it explodes.
- Poison Mushroom: Poison capsules deal 1 damage to you and look like the power crunch capsules that restore full health.
- Recursive Canon: One cutscene shows Stinkoman playing... ...Stinkoman 20X6.
- Retraux: A pseudo-8-bit game produced by the fictional video game company Videlectrix.
- Segmented Serpent: Saargtsson.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Level 7, "Ice 2 Meet U."
- Stationary Boss: An Ice Machine.
- Title Scream: "Twenty-exty-six!"
- Unexpected Shmup Level: Level 9.
- The Unfought: The Shadowy Figure that keeps kidnapping everybody could count... although the game hasn't actually been concluded.