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the only reason why they made Reef/Lo canon[]

was to make the show look less like 6teen

Lo is not over Reef []

And one episode will be about her trying to get over him (with Fin's help of course)

Lo and Reef will get back together[]

To troll the Reef/Fin shippers

  • Confirmed because They didn't truly break up.

Reef will form a short-lived relationship with Emma[]

To troll/confuse the shippers.

Lo will treat Reef like crap, but they will not break up.[]

To spite the Reef/Fin shippers.

  • After 23 episodes of the second season, this prediction is actually looking pretty good.

If a third season is made, one of the plot points will be Fin dealing with her unrequited love for Reef[]

But a third season seems very unlikely.

  • Additionally, the writers may have planned Reef/Lo thinking that there would definitely be a third season (and thus plenty of time for Reef to get back with Fin), which is why all the Reef/Fin teasing was present. However, ratings seem to have tanked in Canada (as indicated by Teletoon's Cartoon Network-like harsh treatment of the show and Fresh TV's heavy promotion of their new live-action shows) and thus the writers won't get a chance to resolve their storyline. A post-finale hour-long special (similar to 6teen's "Snow Job") could fix this problem.