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Stone Soup is a comic strip created by Jan Eliot. It began in 1990 as a weekly strip called Sister City, and went syndicated in 1995 as Stone Soup. The strip centralizes on two sisters who live next to each other, as well as their families. These families consist of:

  • Val Stone, widowed mother with two daughters:
    • Holly, her 13 year old daughter
    • Alix, her 10 year old daughter
    • Evie, her mother and Holly and Alix's grandmother
    • Biscuit, a hyperactive dog
  • Joan Stone, Val's sister:
    • Wally Weinstein, Joan's neighbor, whom she married in 2001
    • Andy Gilburt, Wally's nephew, who lives with him
    • Max Krabowsky, Joan's 2 year old son from her first marriage
    • Luci, Joan and Wally's first kid

Other recurring characters include:

  • Phil Jackson, a motorcycle cop whom Val has dated on and off
  • Dickerson, Val's brown-nosing coworker
  • Rena, another office buddy of Val's
  • Leon, Joan's first husband who occasionally shows up just to mooch off Joan
  • Susan, neighborhood vet/basketball coach whom Wally used to date

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