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Fridge Horror[]

  • The ponies killed a young pony when she received her Cutie Mark. Applebloom wants to receive hers. In the climax of the game, the Nightmares beg Applebloom to stay in town with them, they will love her and never let something bad happen to her. Well, what about when she does get her Cutie Mark, hmmmm?
    • Presumably, what they mean when the say they'll 'keep her safe' is that she'll never receive one. They do turn her into a skeleton, after all..
    • Ruby's last words in the game: "See you later, friend." Not "goodbye," "see you later."
    • The Nightmares you encounter in the town look a bit different than the Bone Fiends that pop up from the ground after leaving the town. Wraiths and zombies, respectively, but why aren't they all the same? Because Ruby wasn't the first victim.
      • Or possibly she wasn't the last. Remember Mitta talking about how "it's always the same"? Other living ponies besides Applebloom have come there, found out the truth, and been promptly killed.
        • That could mean the 'Wraith' types are the original cursed ponies, while the 'Zombie' types are all their subsequent victims...
    • Zecora seems to know about the Nightmares, assuming that's why she told Twilight and Applebloom to get out of the forest before night fell... Could it be possible that they've tried to kill her before?
      • Or maybe she is the one responsible for cursing them, which would mean that she is indirectly responsible for Applebloom almost dying.
      • Zecora seems a bit young to be the one who cursed the village, which has probably been around for centuries...which means that maybe one of her ancestors cursed them. Which would mean that the entire bloodline has to know of that cursed place and warn others to stay away.
    • Why were there so many trees knocked down, blocking the path out? And we see Ruby in the area almost immediately after, and she says she was "just curious" about Applebloom. Did Ruby somehow knock down all those trees? Forget Zecora, Ruby was responsible for Applebloom's almost-death! And for that matter, how often has she done this before?
      • Considering Mitta was crying that it "keeps happening"... What else could she have meant?
      • She could have meant the day of the party. It seems more likely that they're forced to relive it constantly than that Apple Bloom just coincidentally happened to stumble onto the town at the right time.
    • There are only EARTH PONIES in the town. Is it possible...?
      • Will somepony please describe what that link is supposed to show, for those who can't see it?
      • Spoilered for disturbing. It's two ponies, crouched together with blood flowing from their eyes, which are totally black with a tiny red pinprick in the middle. One has a round, bloody spot on their forehead, the other has two long, bloody slices on their back. Horn and wings. Oh, and the words "NO FREAKS" are written in blood on the background, which is black.
      • Maybe, maybe not. Remember how Ponyville was originally only an earth pony town? We don't know exactly how old Sunny Town is...
    • Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but Roneo wanted to give a ruby to his love. The murdered pony's name was Ruby. Ponies seem to have a name that corresponds with things they like, special skills, personality...what if Ruby really liked rubies and collected them? Which would mean that after she was murdered, Roneo likely broke into her house and stole it, if he didn't take it right off her corpse.
      • I read a different horror into that. Roneo had lost the ruby he wanted to give, and Apple Bloom finds it for him. In the end, Ruby tells Apple Bloom that she was really good at finding things. Maybe Ruby was the one who actually found it for him back then, which led her to realize what she was good at... Roneo turned on the very pony who had helped him, evidently with no sympathy or remorse. She had the Mark. She had to go.
  • Mitta is crying that something is happening "again and again and again!" ThreeLeaf suggests that Apple-Bloom isn't the first pony to find Sunny Town...the Ever-Free forest contains a lot more Nightmares than townsponies, and the residents of Sunny Town had murdered one young pony for getting a Cutie Mark. With all this mind, Ruby wasn't the first nor the last to be killed...and a lot of those Bone Fiends in the forest were young ponies who had just wandered into the town just like Apple-Bloom.
  • Just how did the ponies kill Mitta and Ruby?
    • One, Mitta wasn't killed, she just got cursed like the rest of the town, two, it's not that difficult to kill someone. Presumably, they caved in her skull with their hooves and threw her corpse in a fire.
  • What happened is horrible and all, but still... just what exactly cursed them all to suffer this Groundhog Day Loop from Hell for the rest of time? I can only think of one pony powerful enough to do such a thing, and surely Princess Celestia wouldn't be that cruel...would she? I mean, booting her sister to the moon and all, yeah, but this...
    • You never know... To be fair she booted Night Mare Moon, having failed to convince her. According to "Bridle Gossip", Twilight sayscurses aren't real. But the town was still cursed. She may simply not know of them. Perhaps one of Zecora's people could have done it instead of Celestia using methods completely unknown to others?
      • Pony POV series puts it at the fault of Nightmare Moon.
      • It could also have been Discord. He's a big enough jackass to do something like this.
        • Comes across as too methodical to be Discord.
      • My sense is that the town has been there since time immemorial, and Celestia doesn't know about it.