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Strania -The Stella Machina- is a vertically-scrolling Shoot'Em Up by G.REV, the same developers behind Border Down, Metal Black, and Senko no Ronde, as well as the providers of the engine used in Treasure's Ikaruga. Strania is an old throwback to classic arcade shooters of the 1980s.

Player take the role of the Stranian force's Soichirou Touma (Player 1) and Yu Beatrix Barrett (Player 2) as they pilot their Mecha and take on the Vower. Just as the old shoot 'em up days, players plows through everything that stands in their way, collecting various weapon Power Ups, and generally blowing stuff up.

It was released for the Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade on March 30, 2011. Roughly two months after its release, G.REV released the downable Side: Vower Expansion Pack for the game. As the title suggests, the Side: Vower expansion allows the players to play as the enemy forces, the Vower's Yosemite (Player 1) and Su Quadra (Player 2), while the game's original stages are played in reverse order, adding in a new soundtrack, and throwning in a harder game.

  • This page is a work-in-progress

Tropes used in Strania -The Stella Machina- include:

  1. (a rank S is earned by a No Damage Run, destorying the boss quickly as possible, and using the Overdose function of your mecha to score enough to meet the S-rank criteria)