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Stratego is a board game featuring a 10 × 10 square board and two players with 40 pieces each. Pieces represent individual officers and soldiers in an army. The objective of the game is to either find and capture the opponent's Flag or to capture so many of the opponent's pieces that he/she cannot make any further moves. Players cannot see the ranks of each other's pieces, so disinformation and discovery are important elements of the game.
This game contains examples of:[]
- Action Bomb: In some variations of the game, the bombs can be moved like regular pieces.
- Authority Equals Asskicking - In any duel, the higher-ranked piece wins. With equal ranks, either each destroys the other or the aggressor wins, depending on which rule you play by. However, see The Only One Allowed to Defeat You.
- Dastardly Whiplash - the usual "Spy" piece looks like one of these.
- Faceless Goons - You cannot see what is what on your opponent's side. There is also an option where the defender does not have to declare their piece, only who wins.
- Femme Fatale: One version of the spy piece.
- Oh Crap
- Only Mostly Dead - The optional rescue rule.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You - The Spy can kill the Marshal if he attacks first.
- Stuff Blowing Up - There are six bombs per side. Only one specific class of weaker piece can defuse them.
- Taking You with Me - Without the optional aggressor advantage rule, this is how equal pieces fight.