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Somehow, even Street Fighter manages to get in on the heartstrings tugging action.

Moments from the Games[]

  • In Super Street Fighter 4, a couple of the endings are genuinely sad, namely Guile and T Hawk's endings. Guile's is more bittersweet, as he visits Charlie's grave and has a toast on it, vowing to finish his takedown of Shadaloo so that Charlie can have closure. T Hawk's is genuinely depressing, as he finds Julia with Rose's help, but her experience with Shadaloo has totally traumatized her, and she is unable to remember who Hawk even is. Guile's put a bit of a glow in this editor's heart knowing that he succeeded, since Shadaloo is gone by Street Fighter 3's events, so Charlie can rest in peace, but Hawk's ending is probably one of the most depressing things you would ever see in a fighting game.
  • Guile's original ending in SFII was a big-ass tearjerker, actually. Jane and Amy practically have to beg Guile to not kill Bison because they don't want him to lower himself to commit deliberate murder and plead with him to return home with them.

Guile: " A-Amy? Is that... my little Amy...?

  • The Alpha series gives us Juni's downright heartbreaking ending, where she and Juli (aka Julia, T. Hawk's friend) hug each other in front of Bison's body as they become Empty Shells (And they won't get better for a LONG time.) The montage in which Charlie and Chun-Li discuss the project that made them borderline Robot Girls really dosn't help.

Juni: We are... we are... Always... Sir Bison's...
