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See also:
- Base Breaker: Ingrid. Those who like her think she's cute and a decent fighter atop of that. Those who don't soon started screaming God Mode Sue... guess that were she a male, they wouldnt' whine. The fact that she was a crossover character from a universally-hated game, and her deus ex machina storyline didn't help matters at all, though it's not like that is her fault.
- Common Mary Sue Traits: Ingrid has a lot, from being a precocious youngster to having the opposing force of Bison's psycho power.
- God Mode Sue: Ingrid possesses a version of Bison's Psycho Power (which she claims he stole from her) which functions like Rose's Soul Power but is much stronger. Rose, as powerful as her psychic abilities are, can't read Ingrid's fortune. Additionally, her powers so strong that she snaps Evil Ryu out of his trance by merely besting him in combat. She later flies off with the Buddha monument on Sagat's stage at one point. What.
- Crazy Awesome: Rolento is way fixated with military jargon and utopic dreams, but hey, he can dish it out pretty well.
- Ensemble Darkhorse:
- Charlie. The fact that's he's the Kenny of the series only seems to have bolstered his popularity among the fanbase.
- Dan. He quickly became one of the series' signature characters.
- Sakura. You don't get your own manga for nothing.
- Karin. For a girl who has only appeared in one canonical game and two other games (Capcom Fighting Evolution and Namco X Capcom, where she's paired with Sakura no less), she has a surprisingly large fan following. She is also one of the most fan requested characters for Street Fighter IV, alongside Rainbow Mika, Elena, and Rolento.
- Guy. "Real ninjas wear nikes." [1]
- Cody, thanks in part to his appearance and new outlook on life. His theme in Super Street Fighter IV just happened to be another nudge in the right direction.
- Maki was the darkhorse of Final Fight 2, hence her appearance in the handheld versions of Alpha 3. And to pose a somewhat irrelevant question: are all the ninjas in this series darkhorses?
- Rolento, who was one of the most commonly-requested characters for Super Street Fighter IV.
- Ingrid. Despite appearing in few games, she is one of the most voted characters by fans for Tekken X Street Fighter.
- Epileptic Trees: In Rival Schools (a series with loose ties to SF), there is a character who goes by the name of Ran Hibiki. Given that Hinata learned how to fight by watching a video by Ken and Chairperson practices Saikyo, fans have been wondering if Ran is a relative of Dan's.
- Game Breaker: Guy in the first Street Fighter Alpha due to his fast and damaging chain combos. He actually cracks a pretty bad joke in SFA3 about how he has his opponent "on a chain" in reference to this.
- The crouch cancel bug in SFA3 which made the already powerful "V-Ism" borderline broken by allowing players to kill their opponents in one long combo.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The Biblical reference to Sodom's name... which was intended as a reference to the heavy metal band Sodom.
- Iron Woobie: Rose.
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Although Guy is canonically married to Rena (at least by Streetwise), he's been paired with Maki (Rena's sister, and thus his sister-in-law), Rose, and Ibuki, among others. In particular, Guy/Rose is rapidly approaching Fan-Preferred Couple status.
- Memetic Badass: Dan, Master of the Saikyo style aka the STRONGEST style. The king of taunting and the man in pink. He goes by many names, but you will call him "sensei" today. YAHOO!
- "Dan Hibiki: Street Fighter, or Streetest Fighter?"
- Mondegreen:
"SOUL FUCK!"[2] |
- Narm: Fei Long's Funny Bruce Lee Noises being typed out and written in SF Alpha III's Story Mode. Having him burst into "WA HOATAAAAAAAAAA!" and other screams is cool when you can hear them, NOT when you're reading what he says to others.
- Needs More Love: Of all the Street Fighter series, and barring the first game, this series sees the least Tournament Play. It hasn't been featured at an Evolution tournament since 2002.
- Stoic Woobie: Cody.
- That One Attack:
- That damn chain throw of Birdie's. Going... to Heaven!
- Final Bison's Final Psycho Crusher from Alpha 3. It does ridiculous amounts of damage regardless of if you block it or not. The only way to avoid it is to use a high-priority move (i.e. Shoryuken), or Wall Jump. Both require critical timing and a lot of luck.
- Making matters worse is the fact that if you lose to Bison, that's it. You don't get a chance to continue and try again; it just goes straight to the bad ending.
- That One Boss:
- Final Bison in Street Fighter Alpha 3.
- Akuma's Shin incarnation.
- Too Cool to Live: Charlie, according to Word of God, does everything Guile does but better, demonstrated in-game by his being able to throw Sonic Booms one-handed (or even out of his feet). And we can't have one of Street Fighter's poster boys being overshadowed, can we? Bye bye, Charlie. He may not actually be dead, though.
- Unpopular Popular Character: Dan.
- The Woobie:
- Charlie.
- Rose, who's constantly being owned by Bison in some way, despite her power. Until SFIV.
- Juni and Juli from 3. Specially in Juni's heartbreaking ending. Double for Juli/Julia, when you see what happened to her by the time SF IV happens.
- ↑ A Take That directed at Naruto. Ironically, in SSFIV, Guy receives an outfit just as bright and colorful as Naruto's.
- ↑ Rose's Soul Spark