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  • Necalli. Where to start?
  • Also among the newcomers is F.A.N.G., an unknown Shadaloo agent who uses poison based attacks and is focused on the research branch of Shadaloo. Considering his usage of poisons and after Street Fighter IV showed us what Shadaloo research involves the implications are ... disturbing.
  • Poor, poor Nash. The horrible circumstances behind his death (where he ended up tossed into a warterfall, which tore one of his arms off and split his head open) and the very complicated ones behind his revival by Helen's group (aka Gill's Illuminati completely twisted not just his mind (as he's taken several levels in bitterness), but his body. The guy now is pretty much a Frankenstein's Monster in pratcice, his whole body covered in stitches and pieces of skin that aren't all completely his. . .