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  • Any occurrence of Noseybonk, a little-known source of Nightmare Fuel from the old British 80s Game Show Jigsaw. Yeah, an already unnerving entity gets made even more terrifying.
    • Even better, Ashen's Noseybonk mask is scarier than the original!
  • Hidden page, hidden page. You've found the hidden page.
    • Made so much worse if you have the DVD and find that page totally by accident.
  • In the 2011 Halloween special, when Stuart points out a "big twig"... look in the background....
  • In his review of Girl's Toys, he brought up a doll dressed up in wedding garb. This wouldn't be so bad if not for the positioning of the doll's eyes inducing this trope with a very big bang.
  • The Creme Egg knockoffs in the Easter Tat Special were disgusting and rancid, but not initially horrifying. And then Ashen finds a maggot in the middle of a candy piece.
    • Though admittedly a fake one, planted as part of a behind the scenes prank.
  • The review of an interactive ET the Extraterrestrial toy is already made of creepy thanks in large part to the toy itself, but as the review progresses, Stuart snaps outright, ranting about how he will make everything better for E.T. After a horror-film style montage of shots (complete with score), we see the device, its rubber casing removed, sounding like a cross between a broken Speak n' Spell and a crying baby.
    • There. Much better.
    • What he actually did is known as Circuit-Bending. Basically he cut off the outer coating (skinned it alive) then fiddled with the internal circuits. The result made it sound like E.T was being brutally murdered while his screams were muffled. This combined with Ashen's speech about how he is going to make it better causes it to be nightmare fuel. Now, imagine E.T was sentient...