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Studio Junio is an anime studio that existed from 1970 to 2004, primarily known for their work as a subcontractor for TMS Entertainment, Toei Animation (including Akira Toriyama works), Group TAC and Madhouse as well as some Western productions. Representative artists include Takao Kozai (the studio's founder), Minoru Okazaki, Minoru Maeda, and Tetsuo Imazawa.

Major Productions by Junio:[]

Other Projects by Junio[]

Tropes associated with Junio[]

  • Animation Bump: Sonic CD, Batman
  • Animesque: One of Junio's Batman episodes had this (see Off Model below).
  • Off-Model: Junio did animation for one Batman episode that looked nothing like their other episodes (or indeed, like the other studios). This almost caused the WB staff to fire them, much as they did with Sunrise and AKOM.