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Main Characters[]


Tropes Associated with Mario:


Tropes Associated with Luigi:


Tropes Associated With Wario:


Tropes Associated with Waluigi:


Tropes Associated with Ash:

Donkey Kong[]

Tropes Associated with Donkey Kong:


Tropes Associated with Link:


Tropes Associated with Ness:


Tropes Associated with Merlin:

Solid Snake[]

Tropes Associated with Solid Snake:


After a fall out with Ken (over their friend Tamari leaving), Ryu met Mario and the others to help them stop the Trifecta and the ninjas. After Mario and the Darkness's Armies join up he and Ken make up.

Tropes associated with Ryu

Secondary Characters[]


Tropes Associated with Brock:


 Ash: Wow, I thought I had problems.



Tropes Associated with Gary:


 Gary: My house is the most awesome place in the universe!

  • Cool Old Guy: Gary considers his Grandpa (Professor Oak) to be this.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Ash and is better/more vitrolic friends with Brock. Although Ash has pointed out he probably doesn't have any other friends because of his arrogance.

Professor Oak[]

Tropes Associated with Professor Oak:

  • Cool Old Guy: Well Gary sees him as one.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He is forgetful and acts like a child. He formulated a legitimate, sensible and efficient plan to take down Ganondorf that no one else thought of, implying he knows a lot about the world and is one of the most intelligent and wisest characters in the series.
  • Jerkass: Especially when he turns down UPS and the flash drive DESPITE being told his grandson would be in danger.
  • Manipulative Bastard: In Season Four, he willingly tricks Gary and Brock into doing several mundane tasks for him just so they could find out from him which one of them sucks more. Oak eventually claims they equally suck for not turning down the tasks. As a result the two fight over which one of them hates each other the most which Oak uses to his advantage once more.


Tropes Associated with Peach:


Tropes Associated with Daisy:


Walugi's girlfriend. Unlike most of the characters, she is a natural resident of the real world. The two met and became a couple during the course of five minutes, while Wario was reporting back to Bowser. Wario doesn't like her and her presence eventually drives his and Waluigi's alliance to the breaking point. She is absent for most of season 3, looking for Walugi. Afterwards she and Waluigi somehow break up. Waluigi claims creative differences a.k.a. she wanted him to stop wearing purple.

Tropes Associated with Walgina:


Tropes Associated with Otacon:


A random coconut, Link found in a forest in his dream, the coconut followed him back into real life and kept him company. He turns out to be a Gerudo King who's soul was trapped in a coconut. He assists Link and Wario in three acts of heroism in order to free his soul and make him human again.

Tropes associated with Coconut/Mage


Wario's friend (and now girlfriend) whom he met up with during Season Four. She's now part of Mario's army against the Darkness and Ganondorf.

Tropes associated with Mona:

Naomi Hunter[]

Introduced in Season 5, Naomi is a friend and colleague of Snake's who saved from his aging problem just as he died.

Tropes Associated with Naomi Hunter:


After a fall out with Ryu (when their friend Tamari left), Ken became his enemy and joined the Trifecta. He is the only member of the Trifecta to survive and joins The Darkness's Army in Season Five. After Mario and Darkness's Armies join up he and Ryu make up.

Tropes associated with Ken:


Nox Decious[]

The evil brother of the legendary Merlin. Nox Decious' primary goal was to take control of Earth and destroy all good. After being killed by Wario and possessing Luigi as Mr. L, he has been resurrected by Ganondorf as part of his army with Bowser.

Tropes Associated with Nox Decious

The Darkness[]

A substance created out of pure evil by Nox Decious with an ancient magic spell El Nox de la Chateu, translates as The Darkness of the Shadow, Nox created the Darkness to bind his soul to the Stone of Righteousness until they were seperated by the Nether Saber in Episode 30. After briefly possessing Mario, the Darkness took Mario's energy and combined it with Decious's power that it absorbed to take on the physical shape of it's most powerful host, Mario. From then on he became very evil and no longer affiliates himself with Decious. Having his own plans to take over the world.

Tropes Associated with The Darkness





Angered by the Mario Bros. vacation in the real world he hires Wario and Waluigi to get them back

Tropes Associated with Bowser:


Bowser's advisor who helps to turn him human.

Tropes asscoated with Kamek


Mr. L[]

Nox Decious possessing Luigi's body.

Tropes Associated with Mr. L

Blaire Vherestorm[]

The mysterious leader of The Trifecta. Originally named John, he was an insecure, bullied, and ambitious teenager. Thr Darkness met with him and offered him the power that he always wanted so he can reach his aspirations. He mentions Vherestorm, a wizard that John wrote a story about for English Class which no one liked and made everyone think he was crazy. Darkness only asked that John help him with his situation and he'd give him the power that he wants to become "Vherestorm". John accepted and took on the name Blaire. Darkness gave Blaire some of his power and built a "power transfer compulsion system", or the beacon. He however screwed up and was killed by The Darkness for trying to kill Mario which in turn would make him more powerful than the Darkness.

In Season 5, he was ressurected by Ganon with the intention of getting revenge on the Darkness but Waluigi would end up killing him.

Tropes associated with Blaire Vherestorm

  • Big Bad: Along with The Trifecta in Season Four
  • Back From the Dead: He was somehow resurrected in Season 5 and has joined Ganondorf's army to get back at the Darkness.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Dragon: to The Darkness before he betrayed him of course.


Link's greatest enemy who ends up coming to the real world and becomes the final Big Bad of the show making The League of Bad Guys, ressurrecting Blaire, Nox Decious and Pauline to assist him and removing Link teleporting him to the dark realm "returning the favour" as he claims. He now controls hoardes of ninjas and wants to take over the real world.

Tropes associated with Ganondorf:


The Darkness' second in command who set up his pirate army for him and is very loyal. He is honourably discharged by the Darkness before he confronts Nox Decious.

Tropes Associated with General:

Zubashi and the Ninjas[]

Ninjas led by Zubashi were hired by Ganondorf as part of his army to take over the world.

Tropes Associated with Zubashi and the Ninjas:

Captain Morgan and the Pirates[]

The army brought together by The Darkness to combat the ninjas since pirates don't hold back when fighting. While Captain Morgan is the super pirate that can take on any ninja (and be ridiculously drunk too).

Tropes Associated with Captain Morgan and the Pirates:

Minor Chracters[]

Scott Masterson[]

Johnny Mushroom and the Kingdom's temporary boss for Season 2 (and 3 for a deleted scene). He is widely disliked by the group and the band got taken from him by DK whom he now holds a grudge against now joining The League of Bad Guys under Ganondorf's rule.

His real backstory was that his father left him when he was five to become a circus performer, and his mother sold him into slavery for $100 shortly after. Scott later ran away from slavery with a new ambition: to either run the global market, or manage a Sam's Club. He then went on to get a job at Channel 6 where he had to work with Teletubbies and mentally impaired people.

Tropes Associated with Scott Masterson:

The UPS Guy and the FedEx Guy[]

Two delivery men (played repectively by Richard Michael Alvarez and Chistopher Anthony Muller) who make deliveries and do various oddjobs throughout the series. For the most part, they only have marginal involvement with the main plot, although the ending of Season 1 showed that there are exceptions. They are arch-enemies and spend most of their screen time competing against each other or trying to outwit each other. They once teamed up to capture a package USPS stole off them that was from Snake for Otacon.

They return for Season 5 with UPS's backstory actually being revealed. He was a football player. He played in high school and in college before he was drafted by the NFL as a starter for the Raiders. However, he got hit by a FedEx truck before his first game at Qualcomm Stadium, rendering him incapable of playing football ever again. Since that day, UPS dedicated his life to opposing FedEx in every way possible, resulting in him joining UPS.

Tropes Associated with The UPS Guy and the FedEx Guy:

Max Payne[]

After getting into the mob (long story) Mario and Luigi are told they have to kill their buddy Solid Snake. Instead, they called up this guy.

Tropes Associated With Max Payne:

Mr. Puzzler[]

Rather than beginning where Season 2 left off, Richard Michael Alvarez opened Season 3's first episode with a clip from a fictional show called "Mr. Puzzler". Mr. Puzzler is portrayed as a carefree man who doesn't care if he offends or annoys anyone. He sports a fantastic vest and is fond of at least one groan-inducing joke. Apparently, he lacks human integrity, if Mr. Intelligence is to be believed.

Sadly, his fate was left unknown, as Mr. Redhead came up and told him that his show was cancelled because people would rather see Stupid Mario Brothers instead.

Tropes Associated With Mr. Puzzler:

The Dance Instructor[]

Tropes Associated with The Dance Instructor


Tropes associated with Pauline

  • Back From the Dead: She was resurrected by Ganondorf in Season 5
  • Dark Action Girl: While working for Ganondorf
  • Death as Comedy: Died of Snake's FOXDIE chocolates (which he needs to stay young and are poisonous to normal people Although as it turns out Blaire had poisoned the chocolates to kill Snake which of course backfired.)
  • Designated Girl Fight: Against Mona twice.
  • Face Heel Turn: It seems she has joined Ganondorf's army to get revenge on Mario for accidentally killing her. She goes back to the good side in the end but decides she and DK can no longer be together despite the fact he was going to propose to her and leaves promising they'll never hear from her again.
  • Interspecies Romance: with Donkey Kong
  • Lady in Red
  • Woman Scorned: Essentially once she's on the bad guy's side. But she doesn't really target Mario or try to kill him but she still blames him for it all.