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Following the events of All Good Things..., Wario discovers that Waluigi never lost his powers like the others. It is at that moment that he remembers the information Merlin gave him before he disappeared.

The Wario Brothers return to Mario to reveal the information. Waluigi decides to transfer his powers to Mario, Wario, Ness, and Luigi, despite knowing that it will put him in a coma. Following the transfer, Wario lays Waluigi to rest in one of the beds.

Snake comforts Wario in the temporary loss of his friend. When Snake asks Wario if the should resume their investigation into the beacon, Wario refuses, and brushes off his 'conspiracy theories.' When Snake tries to talk to Mario, the plumber is distracted by the return of his powers.

Meanwhile, Brock and Gary finally reach Professor Oak's house, they demand he decide who sucks more. The Professor decides to create a challenge among the two, in order to learn who sucks the most. This coincidently involves cleaning his car.

The wiki page can be found here

The Great Purple Hope contains examples of:[]

  • Convenient Coma
  • Dude, Not Funny: Wario does NOT appreciate Mario's jokes about Waluigi's coma.
  • Medium Awareness: Wario expresses frustration that the flashback wasn't working properly at first.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: YMMV. Instead of automatically declaring Gary the winner, Oak decides to use them to wash his car. Even Gary seems a little surprised that his Grandfather isn't doting on him like usual.
  • Shout-Out: