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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Season Four's coming! Donkey Kong's back! Pauline and Max Payne have joined! Brock and Waluigi will return! Wario willl return to being a Large Ham! YES!
    • Season 5 has Bowser returning! Ganondorf coming into the story! Promise of epic battles between three armies including Ninjas and Pirates (two of which are evil)! Pauline and Blaire are resurrected!
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Most of Act 1 of The Movie is this trope
    • The Mr. Puzzler short at the beginning of Season 3
    • The dancing montage in Episode 8. Which got lampshaded of course.
  • Cargo Ship: The Printer Shop Manager/Printer
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Act 2 Part 6 of the movie: Wario vs The Darkness round 2
    • Season 2's Intro
  • Ear Worm: Chris and Matt singing the Carmen Sandiego theme in the bloopers of Episode 53.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: "School is for Slow-Pokes!"
    • This is somewhat subverted as Brock managed to actually complete Reffing School as of Season 4 with Honours.
  • Fan Nickname: The Darkness is referred to as Shadow Mario (no relation to Bowser Jr)
  • Fountain of Memes: From the bloopers alone!
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In Episode 7, after reading Bowser's letter, Mario says (in relation to Bowser's mention of eating a goomba), "Imagine being in Bowser's digestive system!" Coincidentally, one and a half years after this episode was released (which was 2008), the game Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story was released (in 2009), in which the brothers spend most of the game traversing Bowser's body.
  • Ho Yay: Ryu and Ken it got hilariously taken Up to Eleven in their park scene in Season 5.
    • Wario and Waluigi also.
  • Hype Backlash: Season 5 to an extent. It left Richard really upset as he believed he had wrote the best season ever for the finale and having read the negative reviews really bought him down.
  • I Knew It!: Wario being the second Chosen One was one of the main theories of the fans
  • Memetic Mutation: "I roll with gangs!", "20 Dollars!", "Son of a Bulbasaur"
  • Narm: The blood effects used in one of the later season 3 episodes may come off as a childishly gratuitous attempt at Darker and Edgier. The creators may have realized this, because for some reason future fight scenes lack this effect.
    • Then in the finale, it is revealed Mario was significantly weaker during that fight.
  • Nostalgia Filter: The "Good Video Games" song from the movie.
  • Painful Rhyme: "I'm Wario! I'm a really awesome fellow! I'm mean, I'm bad and I'm yellow!"
  • Special Effects Failure: Coconut's human form Sage is played by a different actor despite being voiced by Richard. Cue slightly bad lip syncing
  • The Woobie: Most characters including UPS and Scott Masterson.