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- The reviewers are dressed as various fictitious characters in the trailer. The more famous ones include Link, Gandalf, Harry Potter, and Aslan. See Characters Page for details.
- On that note each "fellowship" of the reviewers has nine members.
- The Cloaks are obvious Ringwraith expies.
- Also, after brainwashing Film Brain into being the 4th Cloak, one of them makes a comment about how he will be bad for their image. If you are a hardcore Nostalgia Critic fan, you should know that this is a shout out to his "Old vs. New: Lord of the Rings" episode.
- The Big Bad is told his look is The Matrix combined with The Matrix Reloaded.
- He's also compared to a "Rocky Horror reject" and a member of Run DMC.
- According to Ma-Ti, he's also a supercalifragilistic sorcerer's apprentice.
- The Critic tells Ma-Ti, "You don't understand my plight." Doug had listed it as one of his top 20 movies.
- This is followed by the Critic saying he doesn't even know what plight means.
- "Knock before you enter, Dumbledore."
- "I don't think you've got the nuhrve..."
- The guardian of the path in Episode 2 is referred to as a "Lambchop sing-along".
- Part of Nostalgia Chick's Arwen montage includes the lyrics "I'll be done seen about everything, when I see an elephant fly..." and "Chickity China, The Chinese Chicken. Have a drumstick, And your brain stops tickin".
- The third montage also includes the simlish lines from Bad Romance.
- Linkara sings songs from Camelot, Into the Woods, Grease, and Phantom of the Opera while walking through the woods.
- The Critic insults him by calling him Spamalot, Andrew Lloyd Fucker and Hamlet.
- After Linkara gets hit down for trying to sing, he manages to choke out the lines "popular....I'm gonna be popular..."
- Spoony throws sacks of birdseed at the Cloaks while yelling, "2 magic! 2 magic!" This is the preferred alternative to actual fighting in the LARP system of NERO. When the Cloaks don't react, he then goes on to ask if they're using the Old World of Darkness system instead.
- The whole scene is a Shout-Out to the infamous "lightning bolt" LARPing video.
- A blink-and-you'll-miss-it one: Gandalf!Spoony is wearing a Star Sapphire ring.
- Word of God says it was to represent Gandalf's ring Narya the Great, the Elvish ring of Fire. Noah didn't want to wear the Red Lantern ring, and the Star Sappire was the next closest thing he had. (It eventually caused a lot of fan speculation about Gandalf's possible role in the finale since the image of Aeon in the flashback showed him wearing a pink ring as well. Noah cleared it up in the commentary.)
- The Critic calls everyone Warriors of Virtue before he notices their Stealth Bye.
- Indiana Jones!Brad getting trapped by two goons on a bridge at the playground plays out like the ending of Temple Of Doom... except the railing doesn't break when he hits it with a sword.
- Later, San!Marz Gurl's attempts to grab her spear and Brad telling her to hold on is a direct reference to the last scene of The Last Crusade.
- And in episode 5 he says that Film Brain can't be saved from brainwashing because he's gone to the Space in between Spaces, quoting direct line from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
- "That's the box of a carpenter."
- When Ma-Ti shows up again, Chick gets Lupa and Critic's attention by calling "Hey! Little Women!"
- Link calls the Good Witch of the Woods "Kiki".
- Marzgurl calls on "the satanic powers of Kiki."
- This is also a Development Gag. Kiki was the alternate choice for Marzgurl's cosplay if the San costume didn't work out.
- Marzgurl calls on "the satanic powers of Kiki."
- A woman who finds the map is introduced with the infamous "And then my dad shot her" Noodle Incident from Airborne.
- "King Kong ain't got shit on me!"
- The Cloaks hypnotize Film Brain by chanting "One of US! One of US!"
- "Say hello to my little friend!"
- Linkara says "It's magic. You don't have to explain it."
- Film Brain calls Luke "Dudley Do-Right"
- MarzGurl calls Joe "Ted Nugent".
- Larry Prince removes his glasses and puts them back on in homage to Walter Cronkite's reporting of John Kennedy's death. Which kinda makes sense considering the next thing he talks about after Jaffers' disappearance is the president being shot.
- And, also considering that Jaffers' appearance now officially confirms the dating of the Critic's tape, Larry Prince now is referring to the Reagan assassination attempt in the 1980s.
- Critic tells Linkara, "If I say no, would it matter?", a line Plucky Duck said in Tiny Toon Adventures, with the same timing and intonation.
- Paw after Spoony finds that he's lost the map: "A pox on your houses!"
- Jaffers owns a copy of Tobin's Spirit Guide.
- Plus, his voice is an impression of Rick Moranis in the movie.
- When the group encounters a guy watching TV in his basement, the sounds from the TV are the opening speech from Reefer Madness.
- In Part 6, Benzaie's sword is hit by lightning, so he raises it to the sky and says "I have the power!"
- One that seems to have gone unnoticed due to the in-universe reactions to his Jareth costume, but when Jew Wario enters in costume, he apologises for being late as he was practicing his "Dance Magic" Dance.
- Angry Joe's spanish guitar riff whenever he tries his My Name Is Inigo Montoya line comes straight from the Western episode of Red Dwarf, when the Cat introduces himself as "The Riviera Kid" and does a little dance.
- Another Red Dwarf reference comes in the wake of Ma-Ti's death--Critic mentions that during his previous encounters with it, he had Groin Attacked death itself, a reference to Rimmer doing likewise in the Season 8 finale.
- Todd thinking he's fighting for his life when he is in fact attacking a poor, defenseless pole.
- Ma-Ti's death scene and funeral and the whole ending of the series is a shout out to Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan.
- Paw playing Amazing Freaking Grace on kazoo also references a scene in the Batman the Animated Series episode "The Man who Killed Batman," in which Harley Quinn does the same.
- Two in a row once Malachite gets the gauntlet.
Malachite: I love the Power Glove. It's so bad. |
- The animation was supposedly inspired by the animated scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 telling "The Tale of Three Brothers".
- Near the end Malachite proclaims that "The world of metal and wheels has come to an end." In Lord of the Rings, Saruman (the pro-technology wizard who joins Sauron) is described as having a mind of metal and wheels.