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Tessa Altman (Jane Levy)[]

"Pretty ironic that a box full of rubbers landed me in a town full of plastic"
—Tessa about the Condomgate, the incident that consisted in her father finding condoms in her room, causing them to move out.

Tessa is the daughter of an urban architect forced to move out of her beloved New York for a time, because her father fears it will corrupt her and put her in danger. He decides to live a standard American Dream in the suburbs, but it turns out he has watched too much Gossip Girl and not enough of Desperate Housewives: as Tessa immediately sensed it, helped by her anger and natural tendency to sarcasm, this place is not perfect for her. Like every principled new TV series's character in a corrupt new environment, Tessa will try to change things... Suburbians sometimes have taken it sometimes rather well, sometimes rather bad, and sometimes a bit too bad (there is only one notable example of things going a bit too well).

George Altman (Jeremy Sisto)[]


 "Yes, I'm a dad, but I am also... a dude"


Sheila Shay (Ana Gasteyer)[]

"I don't hit them because it's fun, although it is. I hit them so that the whole garden shine"
—Sheila talking about the weak flowers in her garden.

Comes close from being considered as a Stalker Without a Crush by George.

Dallas Royce (Cheryl Hines)[]

"Get this driver's license or die trying... Maybe it's a bad advice..."
—Dallas, to her daughter.

Lisa Shay (Allie Grant)[]


"Can I excuse myself for I'm having a terrible time ?"
—Lisa trying to leave dinner.

Dalia Royce (Carly Chaikin)[]


Mr Wolfe (Rex Lee)[]


"Tessa : But Ryan is just so...

Dalia : Listen, Tessa. When people see me, they think I am North Corean. But what they don't see is that I am also South Korean."
—Tessa about her new boyfriend and Mr Wolfe about something completely else, apparently.

Noah Werner (Alan Tudyk)[]

Fred Shay[]