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  • Hollywood Homely: Tessa In-Universe, because she's not all dolled up like most the girls her age. Played Straight with Lisa because they try to make her look more homely, but Allie Grant while previously Hollywood Pudgy on Weeds, is now near adulthood and is quite attractive.
  • Relationship Writing Fumble: Many people find George and Tessa's chemistry to be a bit more romantic than father/daughter.
  • Squick: Ryan's father telling him that he has a great body. He tells it... looking at him in the eyes... while the mother is looking at them both.
  • What an Idiot!:
    • In Tessa's eyes, everyone in town except her. Cue numerous Idiot Ball episodes.
    • Canonical example: the suburbanite watering his lawn. In the pouring rain. Who merely smiles and waves when Tessa points this out.
    • Tessa's dad also qualifies since fictional plastic suburbia where everyone is shallow, manipulative, morally bankrupt and mind-numbingly stupid, is hardly a fantastic place to raise a teenage daughter. At worst (if he is in fact concerned about bad influences) he should be interested in moving her to a different suburb, rather than stubbornly ignoring all the crazy so as not to move back to the city.
  • They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste: Not mentionning Fan Reaction or character development, but the form in which development is introduced : Tessa suddenly taking care of her appearance and behaving as a saleswoman without conspicuous Foreshadowing in Hear No Evil. In the previous events, she had shown her knack for marketing and desire for financial independance, and on the next episode, she says that she had begun to consider Dallas, the Spoiled Sweet archetype, as her mother figure.