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  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: Lulu may have been annoying, but his death at the hands of Chris was one of the saddest moments in the game, especially when you consider he was best friends with the main character and now his mother was childless.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Luc's chapter is this in a nutshell. We learn that the real reason he was trying to destroy the True Wind Rune was to prevent the series' actual Big Bad from using all of the True Runes to create a dystopia. Then there's Sarah telling Luc that she's in love with him, minutes before they die together. Finally, there's Leknaat forgiving the spirit of her former student and telling him that he is allowed to rest.
  • Game Breaker:
    • You can level up Chris, Borus, Salome, and Roland to level 99 in Chapter 1. It just involves a ton of time and tediousness and the rewards, while good since there are a few stars that will be level 99 if you recruit them, isn't really worth it in the end.
    • The above is of the Disc One Nuke variety of this trope. However, some surprising characters are effectively game breakers if you abuse abilities, titles, equipment etc. Quite possibly the best person in terms of pure destructive terror is a completely optional 15 year old girl. Who needs a True Rune anyway?
    • Let's not forget Juan and Emily. To elaborate, the battle system allows characters with the right skills to attack several times per turn, and they can move on to other enemies when their enemy falls before their attack string is finished. These two can get more than 10 attacks per round each, with each hit doing roughly 400 damage. Add to that the fact that Juan has a Waking rune attached permanently, which means he's doing at least double damage when he wakes up. The downside is that this means he's going to be sleeping for at least the first round, but you can equip accessories that nullify sleep to just have them demolish absolutely everything you encounter within one round. Even bosses don't last very long against that.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Albert Silverberg constructs the entire plot of the game single-handedly and then casually derails it, confident that he's proven his genius and increased his reputation as a strategist.

  Albert: "This whole thing is getting too melodramatic for my taste."

    • Salome has shown himself to be quite magnificent if he sets himself out to do it.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Branky. Freaky demon puppets.
    • How about the prediction Luc receives from his rune of eventually the world will fall into a state of complete order and thus anything that resembles existence would cease.
    • For some, Kenji.
  • Player Punch: This is a Suikoden game, so there's several:
    • Earliest example would be the result of the cease-fire: Karaya Village gets torched, Borus leads the slaughter of civilians, and Chris strikes down Hugo's best friend Lulu.
      • To say nothing of poor Luce's reaction to the above.
    • Alma Kinan brings us Yun's Heroic Sacrifice — which arguably is later turned into a Senseless Sacrifice when the villains nearly find the True Water Rune anyway.
    • And that last part leads to Chris finding her father Wyatt just in time for him to die after a failed attempt to claim said Rune.
    • The chain of events in the late-game where the heroes are painfully stripped of their True Runes isn't all that fun, either.
  • That One Boss: The Water Rune Incarnation.
  • The Scrappy:
    • Guillaume, a French, overweight, cheating, dog-kicking, lying paedophile, is most likely an intentional example of this. (And the player gets to enjoy whupping his portly posterior several times.)
    • And Kenji. Bodybuilding teacher who jogs in a fight and fights with calisthenics... WTF?
    • From his stupid name, to his status as a Millstone and a Tagalong Kid, to the shit-eating grin in his character portrait, nothing Lulu said or did failed to get on This Troper's nerves. Also, with his small size and his habit of picking fights with opponents far more powerful than him, he actually bears an uncanny resemblance to the original Scrappy. At least his death gave catharsis to players who had also watched Scooby Doo and wished such a thing would happen to the original. "LEMME AT 'EM! PUPPY POWWWWAAAAAAARRGH!"
  • Tear Jerker: Sana revealing that she was the Flame Champion's lover and wife, for whom he gave up immortality... an act which it's implied left them with only a very short time together.
    • Chris encounters her father after nearly 20 years just in time to inherit his rune and see him die.
    • Luc and Sarah's end.
  • The Woobie - Thomas, though he is more of an Iron Woobie.