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Summer Camp Island

Summer Camp Island is an animated series created by Julia Pott, who previously worked on Adventure Time.

The show follows two best friends, Oscar and Hedgehog, as they are taken to a magical summer camp run by three witches named Betsy, Alice, and Susie. Oscar and Hedgehog are also joined by the other the attendees, including Max, whom Hedgehog has a bit of a crush on, and some monsters, such as Howard and Ava. Together, they each try to have fun at the camp while also dealing with all the oddities that happen along the way.

The show originally premiered on July 7, 2018 as a Cartoon Network original, before moving to HBO Max on for its second season on June 18, 2020.

Tropes used in Summer Camp Island include:
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  • All Love Is Unrequited: A few episodes show that Hedgehog has crush on Max, but Max doesn't seem to return her feelings.
  • Fountain of Youth: In the episode "Monster Babies," Alice uses a spell to turn the monsters into cute babies. Oscar, having witnessed the whole thing, calls her out for doing so without any of the monsters' consent.
  • Informed Species: Max is supposed to be a bat, but he looks more like a Husky.
  • Mandshake: Max and Ava do this at the beginning of "Campers Above the Bed."
  • Nice, Mean and In-Between: Betsy, Susie, and Alice, respectively.