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Many. For example...

  • When they need power for the mega-computer, and the grand-uncle literally drives through and effectively destroys an arch; what was he driving? A truck with his fishing boat on it. Made even better when he drops the boat into the koi pond.
    • And then, as the onlookers are drenched, one koi goes desperately flying out of the pond.
  • "Please tell me you didn't break the internet."
  • Kenji's reaction to Natsuki coming out of the shower in a towel to chase after her baby cousin.
  • When one of the children asks Wabisuke what he was looking at on his iPhone, he answers "ladies with big boobs". He said this to a little girl. This Troper kids you not. Wabisuke is a Jerkass but he's a funny one.
    • "What was your job in America?" "Ninja."
  • When Kenji is all over the news as the prime suspect for OZ breaking down and Natsuki's cousin is yelling that someone should do something about him, another of Natsuki's relatives reminds him that he's a cop and asks why he doesn't just arrest Kenji, to which the cousin replies: "Oh, yeah."