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  • When Natsuki loses the 49th round and doesn't have enough accounts to continue the game and all seems lost, a boy from Germany shows up to offer his account. Within seconds, people from around the globe offer their accounts so Natsuki can defeat Love Machine. According to Sakuma, it was about 13.837% of OZ's total subscribers, over 150 million accounts.

  "Please protect our families."

  • Sakae's final conversation with Kenji before her death. What made it even more bittersweet is the fact that she had faith in him the whole time.
  • Seeing Wabisuke's reaction to Sakae's death was pretty touching. After Natsuki calls him with the news, he Drives Like Crazy back to the house, pulling up in a wrecked and dented car, screaming if it was true.
  • The reading of Sakae's will combines this with a good Tear Jerker.
    • It becomes more of a Tear Jerker and Harsher in Hindsight thing when you consider that Sakae wrote her will BEFORE Wabisuke first came over, and before the whole mess with Love Machine. She still regarded him coldly regardless, but pretty much speared him out when she found out he made Love Machine, the AI that messed up all orderly conduct in Japan's traffic and jobs, for money to win her approval. Would she really have written the letter the same even after driving Wabisuke away, hours before her death?