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  • Alternate Character Interpretation - Intentionally done with Frank. Is he a hero? Is he just crazy? Is he both?
  • Heartwarming Moments - Frank looking at his wall of memories with his new pet bunny at the end of the movie.
    • Not to mention just before that, when Frank recounts all of the good that came out of his rescuing Sarah, culminating in her having a stable, loving family with four kids.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch/Older Than They Think - A lot of people have accused Super of ripping off Kick-Ass because it uses the idea of a normal guy trying to be a superhero (even though the film was in the works since 2001) when the "real-life superhero" genre dates as far back to the 1980 John Ritter comedy Hero at Large and had later been used in Defendor and Special.
  • Moment of Awesome - Take your pick. Libby's Car Fu and Frank's Roaring Rampage of Revenge at the end come to mind.
    • Frank's last line before stabbing Jacque to death is chillingly awesome.

 Jacque: Do you really think that killing me, stabbing me to death, is going to change the world?

Frank: I can't know that... for sure... unless I try.

  • Moral Event Horizon - If you needed any more convincing that Jock is a horrible person, giving Sarah to a fellow drug dealer so he can rape her as part of sweetening a business deal cements it. Even his fellow cronies look disgusted.
    • An earlier scene had Libby killing the guy who allegedly keyed her friend's car. This was cut out in fear that this would cause her to cross this too early.
  • Squick - "It's all gooshy."
  • Tear Jerker - Libby's death and Frank's subsequent devastated reaction is heartbreaking.
  • Waif Fu: Deconstructed. Libby's build has her struggling with the bulky body armour and the only hand-to-hand fight not by surprise, has her thrown against a wall pretty quickly.