A recurring sketch comedy that appears on Current TV. Recently it has been expanded to a half hour show, featuring recurring characters such as the cast of The Hills, politicians, anthropomorphic representations of Myspace, Friendster, and Facebook and the Hipsters in Space.
Tropes used in SuperNews! include:
- Catch Phrase: "LAME!" and "RAD!" for the hipsters.
- Excited Show Title! Complete with bonus CamelCase!
- Fan Hater: Invoked with The Hipsters
- Hartman Hips: Most of the women fulfill this trope, if they aren't Impossible Hourglass Figure, or Rosie O'Donnell and Paris Hilton.
- Only Sane Man: Obama in one sketch with his Cabinet.
- Hipster Bot also counts...when he's out of drugs, that is.
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job
- Strawman Political: Most of the politicians.
- Take That: Way too many to list.
- What the Hell, Hero?: The fashion episode of Hipsters in Space has Hipster Bot call out the other hipsters on their choices of "rad" fashion which are a homeless man, a prisoner in a totalitarian country, and a starving child. The last one sends him into a rant about how not everyone has the privileged life the hipsters lead, culminating in this gem...
Hipster Bot: You're all! Horrible! Horrible! People! (Beat) |