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A cartoon show about three sumos who fight crime. With their buttocks.
This cartoon provides examples of:super duper sumos reran in 2011 2012 until September 2 2015
- Acrofatic: Natch.
- Ass Kicks You: A preferred tactic of the trio, obviously played for laughs.
- Dead Baby Comedy: In the first episode, it's revealed that there were originally four sumo babies, but Booma shoved one of them off the cliff, leaving the trio. Their teacher merely shrugged when this happened and moved on.
- Deadpan Snarker: Mamoo who represents truth has the catchphrase "As if those weren't the truest words ever spoken." Leads to a Crowning Moment of Funny in the episode "I'm Too Sexy For My Butt" when Booma's anus rebels against him, causing Booma to cry "My butt, IT'S REVOLTING!"
- Dead Person Conversation: Ghengis Fangus is a ghost, yet is part of Bad Inc. and fills the role of Spirit Advisor. Sort of.
- Distaff Counterpart: Shemo
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: It's a cartoon about sumos who are super duper.
- Fan Disservice: They're sumos. Also, some footage consists of them slamming their butts together.
- Not to mention the giant beam of light that bursts out whenever they do this. It doesn't do anything, it doesn't help them fight the bad guys, it just...bursts whiteness.
- To be fair, they aren't grotesque or anything, especially considering the needlessly ugly designs some of the other characters have.
- George Jetson Job Security: Stinger at the end of every episode.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: One of the DVDs was called "Deep Sushi".
- Girlish Pigtails: On the trio's friend Prima.
- "Growing Muscles" Sequence: They're already bulky, so the most noticeable change is muscle definition.
- Guardian Heroes: They fight, and each defends either truth, honor or justice.
- Kaiju: What almost all of the plans of Bad Inc. involve.
- Mad Scientist: Stinger.
- Manipulative Bitch: Miss Mister.
- Marshmallow Dream: Happens to Booma once.
- Meaningful Name: Wisdon San.
- Mighty Glacier: Our heroes.
- Stout Strength
- Mentor: Wisdom San.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Bad Inc.
- Once an Episode: The word "Butt", as well as Stinger getting fired.
- Power Trio: Booma, Kimo and Mamoo.
- President Evil: Miss Mister is in charge of an evil corporation, after all.
- Stock Footage: The transformation sequence.
- Strictly Formula: Every episode involved fighting against one of Bad Inc.'s evil plans.
- Super Mode: The sumo's sumo size.
- Surfer Dude: Booma.
- Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe
- Transformation Sequence
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: The sumos live in Generic City, the location of which could be anywhere.