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  • Bowser of all characters gets one in Super Mario Sunshine when Bowser Junior reveals that he knew the whole time that Peach wasn't really his mother, but he still wants to follow in Bowser's footsteps. It was just sweet to see some father/son bonding, even if it is between two evil turtle-dragons.
  • The end of Luigi's Mansion. Mario is turned back to normal after his painting is rescued by Luigi. He humorously crashes through the machine that turned him back to normal's opening. Luigi cries from both the relief that Mario is finally safe, and from laughing so hard at the vent stuck around Mario's head.
  • The first time you rescue Princess Peach in Super Mario Bros.
  • Though it's not a part of the games, this tribute made for Mario's 30th Anniversary is likely the most beautiful celebration of Mario's history out there. According to the description, it was a joint effort between fans and the creators of the Mario games, making it even more heartwarming.

  Congratulations Mario! You accomplished the 30 years of work. But your adventure isn't over yet. So, let's go to the next stage now!
