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"Obey Wario! DESTROY Mario!"


Super Mario Land 2 cover 3919

The sequel to Super Mario Land, this is the first game to feature The Rival, Wario, and one of the few times Wario is an outright Big Bad instead of just being extremely greedy.

The plot is that Wario took over Mario's kingdom while Mario was away in the first game, and taken over the land's castle. Mario needs to find the eponymous six golden coins to get into the castle and stop Wario.

Whereas Super Mario Land was essentially a handheld version of the original 1985 Super Mario Bros, the sequel took most of its cues from Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World instead, including a nonlinear world map and a new, gravity-defying powerup (Bunny Ears). This game swapped the small sprites of the previous game, and had much more detailed graphics (although still smaller than NES sprites due to the Game Boy's smaller resolution).

Tropes used in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins include: